ETH (Today's market on October 14)

Ether started to go up today, but the reaction in QQ and on the Internet was relatively flat. It is probably because the coins that rose were not in their hands.

As mentioned before, meme is the lubricant and flag of the market. Every time it rises, meme (in large exchanges) will bear the brunt. This time, bome and pepe still lead the rise.

🚩Weekly: It is still in a short position. It is difficult for a big ship to turn around. It will not change easily.

🚩Daily: The daily line turns from short to long, and it needs to get rid of the oscillation range of 2600-2300.

🚩Hourly: It is in the third wave of the upward trend. It is best to complete the 5th wave and pull the daily line to the long camp, which can be regarded as completing its mission. 👗👇


Summary: The pressure level above Ethereum is 2650, which is also the key position for the daily line to turn long. You can still go long in the short term, but the profit is not high $ETH

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