𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐏𝟐𝐏 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐦 #scammers

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Here's How Sellers Try to Scam:

First, the seller posts an ad with a very attractive price and a small amount for sale. Because of the low price, many buyers place orders. Once the buyer pays, the seller releases the asset.

Now, the scam begins in a unique way 😁.

After releasing the asset, the seller sends a message offering more USDT at the same attractive price, asking the buyer to connect on Telegram or WhatsApp. Tempted by the low price, the buyer moves to a third-party messaging app, where the seller claims they can’t deal through Binance due to tax issues. The seller then asks the buyer to send payment directly to their account, promising to transfer the asset directly to the buyer's Binance address.

Many buyers, unaware of the scam, make the payment. Once paid, the seller blocks the buyer on all platforms.

🤯 Binance can’t help since the transaction wasn't made through its platform.

🤯 Lessons to Learn 🤯

1. Never use third-party messaging apps to communicate with sellers.

2. Never cancel an order after making a payment.

3. Never send payments to a third-party account number.

#P2PScamPrevention #P2PScamAwareness
