Biden was exposed to black material! ! Can Trump seize the opportunity to turn the tide?

​​Recently, the political turmoil in the United States has resurfaced, and Hunter Biden's tax scandal has been exposed, which has attracted widespread attention. This case involves complexities, and the charges of several felonies make people wonder whether the situation in the 2024 election will change as a result? Is this a coincidence, or is there something else hidden? Trump's opportunity has come, will he seize it?

​Point 1: Failure to declare taxes, the problem has surfaced

According to reports, Hunter Biden did not declare more than $1.4 million in federal taxes between 2016 and 2019, which shocked the outside world. This number is not small. Will the intervention of the federal tax department continue to ferment this matter? Why did he choose to admit the charges at this critical time? Is there a deeper reason behind this?

​Point 2: False declaration, adding another layer of doubt

In addition to failing to declare taxes, Hunter was also accused of submitting false tax returns in 2020 with the intention of evading tax assessments in 2018. Does this accusation indicate that he has long been hiding his intention? As the president's son, will his actions have a greater impact on Biden's campaign?

​Point 3: Three felonies and six misdemeanors, what is the impact?

It is worth noting that three of the nine charges faced by Hunter Biden are felonies. Will these charges have a significant impact on his father Joe Biden's re-election plan? Will the Trump team use this scandal to win more votes? How will American politics deal with this storm?

​​​Hunter Biden's scandal cast a shadow over the 2024 election. Faced with these serious charges, has Trump's opportunity really come? Will the scandal cause Biden's support rate to decline, or will it inspire more sympathy votes? In the coming months, as the investigation deepens, the political game will become more intense. Who will win in the end is still a huge suspense.