Five Arab countries, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, have announced that they will remain neutral in the Iran-Israel conflict.

​​Following closely, Egypt and Jordan also issued statements that they would not intervene in the dispute between Iran and Israel and called on both sides to resolve their differences through peaceful means.

Oman said it would provide humanitarian aid to civilians in need but would not take part in military operations.

Although the domestic situation in Iraq is complicated, it has also expressed its attitude, hoping that the conflict will end as soon as possible to avoid affecting its own reconstruction and development.

Lebanon is worried that the conflict will spill over and affect its own security, and emphasizes that maintaining neutrality is a necessary choice to maintain domestic stability.

1 Syria itself is still recovering and has no time to care, and has also chosen not to get involved in the conflict.

I want to say

The choices made by countries in the Middle East are based on their own interests. On the one hand, maintaining neutrality is to prevent the war from spreading to their own country, and on the other hand, it is also to maintain relative stability in the region in order to develop the economy. But it also reflects that peaceful resolution of disputes is the expectation of the international community. Although countries do not intervene directly, they can play a role in humanitarian and other aspects. And this neutral attitude may also prompt Iran and Israel to re-examine the situation and resolve differences through diplomatic means. The international community should also actively play a role in mediation, build a bridge of communication between the two sides, and promote the peaceful resolution of conflicts.


The statements made by Middle Eastern countries before the Israel-Iran conflict reflect the complexity of international relations. Neutrality does not mean indifference, but a positive self-protection and expectation for peace. Countries make decisions after balancing their own interests, regional stability and international public opinion. In the future, it is hoped that all parties can strengthen communication and cooperation and actively promote the process of peace talks. Resolve conflicts through diplomatic means and avoid further expansion of military conflicts.