• Bitnomial challenges SEC's authority over XRP futures, seeking commodity classification.

  • Legal battle intensifies over digital assets as SEC, CFTC vie for regulatory control.

  • Ripple ruling complicates SEC stance; Bitnomial aims to set precedent for all digital assets.

The legal battle over the classification of digital assets has intensified, as crypto derivatives exchange Bitnomial has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). 

The lawsuit challenges the SEC’s assertion of regulatory authority over XRP futures contracts, a key issue in the ongoing debate over whether certain cryptocurrencies should be classified as securities or commodities. 


Bitnomial’s lawsuit centers on the SEC’s claim that XRP futures are securities futures, a stance that has significant implications for how cryptocurrencies are regulated in the United States. The SEC, which regulates securities, is vying with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the regulatory body responsible for overseeing commodities, for control over the digital asset market. 

In its legal filing, Bitnomial is asking the court to declare that XRP futures are not securities futures, a decision that could have far-reaching consequences for other digital assets. The company also seeks an order preventing the SEC from claiming authority over XRP futures and from taking any legal action against the exchange related to its product offering.

The Bitnomial lawsuit follows a significant ruling in the Southern District of New York, where a judge determined that XRP, when traded on exchanges, is not a security. This ruling has added complexity to the SEC’s stance, as the agency continues to assert that XRP qualifies as a security. 

Last week, the SEC filed a notice of appeal in the Ripple case, signaling its intention to challenge the court’s decision. Ripple, the company behind XRP, has also filed a notice of cross-appeal, although details of the appeal remain undisclosed.

Bitnomial's CEO, Luke Hoersten, emphasized that this case is not just about XRP but could set a precedent for the classification of all digital assets. Unlike other companies involved in litigation with the SEC, Bitnomial has not been accused of any wrongdoing, placing it in a unique position to push for a court decision on the classification of XRP futures.

The outcome of this legal battle could significantly shape the future regulatory landscape for digital assets. As the SEC and CFTC continue their turf war over which agency should oversee the sector, the courts are playing a key role in determining how cryptocurrencies and their derivatives are classified.

Until Congress enacts comprehensive legislation that clarifies the status of digital assets, legal decisions such as these will continue to set a precedent.