Brother Lin first entered the B-circle in 2017. When he entered the circle, the first B-circle leader he met was Sister Bi. However, he was too young at that time and did not have enough capital, so he missed the opportunity to accumulate low-cost BTC.

I heard from a friend that he bought a few popular stocks in the secondary market, but they didn’t sell them and the stocks fell back, and he was stuck with zero returns.

Later I stopped playing, but I still continue to pay attention to this market.

One day, a fu aunt generously gave him 100,000 yuan to use for traveling. He originally wanted to go, but something else delayed him and he didn't go.

He thought, forget it, let's use it to rush into the#cryptocurrencycircle# to see if there is any opportunity. As a result, he earned 3 million+ yuan with 100,000 yuan in the first half of the year, and used the money to travel around the world. He still has 1 million+ yuan waiting for opportunities.

The moment he entered the market, he no longer blindly bought some popular local dogs that had risen a lot, and first joined many KoL communities that he thought were reliable, especially the Coin Sister community

After so many years of accumulation, he understands that investment is to listen to the advice of the majority of outstanding people and then make your own decisions. You have to put it in the noisy market, feel the emotions of the majority of people in the community, and then make decisions based on your own strategy.

He used Sister Bi's (rolling position strategy) trading system, and first took advantage of the main upward wave of AI in the first half of the year, and entered 1.3 million from 100,000. As a result, a big correction in the middle caught him off guard, and he lost 80 million in a short time. Later, he used 300,000 to take advantage of a downward adjustment of 73,000 yuan, and entered 3 million yuan. After that, he took advantage of a rebound from 58,000 to 65,000 yuan. After that, he cleared most of his positions, took dozens of yuan, and bought several memes shared by Sister Bi, and then went out to travel around the world.

If I'm not mistaken, he doesn't know which country he's playing in right now, but his memes should have at least doubled.

How did Brother Lin do it?

1. Listen to the majority opinion and then make your own decision

Many people are wrong from the beginning, either blindly believing in a certain KOL, or completely ignoring everyone else, or even doing the opposite.

For example, recently many uncles, like Ai In Late Autumn, seemed to have accurately predicted the bottom of the A-share market. A group of people said it was great, but after the market plummeted, there was a high probability that they would be trampled badly by the same group of people.

As long as you blindly trust someone without your own thinking and decision-making, you will only end in failure.

Brother Lin knows this very well, so he can be cheerful and cheerful. With a grateful heart, he pays people he thinks are excellent to ask for advice on what he thinks the market will look like next.

Then he made his own decisions, and when he got some positive feedback, he would quickly express his gratitude to the teacher who helped him, so his energy and fortune were overflowing...

2. Earn money while selling and solve your worries while keeping a good attitude

He knows very well that what investment ultimately competes on is mentality.

He was able to quickly adjust after losing more than 800,000 yuan and regain the results from the next decision, which is what most people do.

Most people will scream and wail when they fall, and they will be so resentful that they will collapse and cannot get out of it.

So naturally I missed the subsequent opportunities.

He has always had a good attitude, because when he earned 300,000-400,000 yuan with 100,000 yuan, he had already taken out 300,000 yuan.

Before reaching over 3 million yuan, he also proposed to buy pension insurance for his parents, buy a house for his sister, etc. He solved all the problems that needed to be solved at home one by one, and his mentality naturally became very good.

3. Don’t chase high prices, only buy when most people are crying and screaming after a sharp drop

I remember some time ago when people in the community were constantly discrediting some leading memes when the market was falling.

He just took a screenshot of his account and invested tens of thousands of dollars in it. After that, he closed the account and stopped looking at it.

He knew very clearly that he didn't have to buy at the lowest price, but he just had to buy it in the undervalued area with a high probability, and then he would be sentenced to death after buying it.

In the end, investment is not about who makes the right prediction at a certain position, but about judging whether it is a high-probability opportunity and using strategies and positions to make decisions. After that, it is just a matter of waiting patiently for the other extreme situation of that trough to occur.

Finally, Brother Lin emphasized one sentence: the amount of capital does not determine whether you make money, it only affects the speed of making money.

Therefore, on the one hand, don't try too hard to raise capital beyond your ability, and on the other hand, don't be afraid that it will be difficult to roll over your positions after you have made a profit.

It is easier to make a lot of money with a small amount, but it is not easy to make more money after reaching a certain level. Therefore, it is also a kind of self-protection to control and deliberately reduce the amount of money at a certain stage for your steady growth.

I would like to share with you the real experiences of community partners, hoping that they will be helpful to you.