I heard that Powell is going to slow down the pace of interest rate cuts. What do you think of the market in the future?

If you believe that the interest rate cuts will slow down in the future, then you have fallen into the trap of Powell's expectation management.

He is just trying to prevent everyone from seeing his cards so accurately in this way. If he doesn't cut, everyone has reason to believe that you may increase it. Increase it? Of course it's impossible.

We can only let everyone use 2-3 relatively large interest rate cuts as soon as possible when they are unprepared or even haven't reacted yet, so that their interest rates can quickly return to a position that is favorable to them.

So, it seems that this is the case that it suddenly gives a negative direction, which triggers everyone's adjustment of not having much confidence in this area. I am full of hope.

I believe that when the real over-expectation appears, it will also jump fiercely.

Again, seize the bonus period before the rapid interest rate cut to 3-4.

If you miss it, it will be difficult to make money again in this round. #非农就业数据即将公布