Livermore's 16 golden trading rules, you can also become a genius trader after reading them

1. Don't argue when you see a danger signal, just avoid it first, and come back if the situation gets better after a few days, which can save trouble and money.

2. Make a profit when the transaction starts, and throw it away if it is still floating loss after three days.

3. Never spread the loss.

4. After the price enters a clear trend, it will automatically run along a specific route.

5. Excellent traders will patiently wait for the market to confirm their judgment.

6. When you are waiting, people who trade frequently are making mistakes, and you can find profit opportunities from them.

7. Follow the trend to control the transaction, and don't argue with the market.

8. Patiently wait for the "key point" before entering the market, act according to the principles, and observe the market development after entering the market, and wait for profit signals.

9. It is difficult to make a huge profit if you don't enter the market at the starting point of the trend.

10. Major trends take time to complete.

11. Use key points to predict, if the price performance is abnormal, it is a danger signal.

12. Only by studying the market for a long time can you cultivate sensitivity to danger signals.

13. Before trading, pay attention to whether the direction of the least resistance line is consistent with your own.

14. If you can determine the key points of the price and explain their performance, you will win.

15. Psychologically predict the market, and wait for the market to confirm the correct judgment before trading.

16. Patience and knowledge are very important in long-term trading. Before trading, you need to carefully study and confirm the best time.

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