$BTC Facing the current market situation,

Are many people panicking again?

However, I am not panicking at all!

On the contrary, I firmly believe that the general direction is still optimistic!

According to news reports, Wall Street banks predict that

The Federal Reserve will end the balance sheet reduction in April next year!

This will be a great benefit,

We all know the Fed's combination punch,

Not just raising or lowering interest rates!

Rate hikes are accompanied by balance sheet reduction, and rate cuts are accompanied by balance sheet expansion,

And the current rate cut is just the first punch of the Fed!

What is balance sheet expansion? The Fed's balance sheet expansion is to expand the balance sheet,

It is a quantitative easing monetary policy operation,

The main methods include purchasing bonds, issuing loans, etc.,

Thereby injecting a large amount of liquidity funds into the market.

So, don't panic! The general direction is still optimistic!


#6万保卫战 #SCR新币挖矿开始! #9月美国CPI实现6连降 #特朗普当选概率上升 #美联储会议纪要曝9月降息幅度有分歧

The above content only represents personal opinions and does not constitute any investment advice!