The battle to defend $BTC 6 million has begun.

Last night, the big cake lost the 60,000 mark.

Currently, it has recovered the lost ground of the 60,000 mark!

The market has been going back and forth, which is very annoying!

There are bubbles around 60,000!

Let's see if the 60-day line can hold up!

A hammer line appeared at the daily level!

It shows that there is still some strength of the bulls below!

No destruction, no construction, I hope the bulls will counterattack!


#6万保卫战 #SCR新币挖矿开始! #9月美国CPI实现6连降 #CPI&PPI来袭,美国通胀升还降? #特朗普当选概率上升

The above content only represents personal opinions and does not constitute any investment advice!