TELEGRAM AIRDROPS AND ABUSES . Since the successful airdropping of NOTCOIN Which was a successful project that started from telegram and landed into the CRYPTOCURRENCY market, Telegram has become one of the busiest center of attraction to Several categories of people ranging from investors, airdrop hunters, project innovators and contrarily, scammers . Following the comments of new innovations of web3 integrations and other life interactive programs and activities on the fast growing social Media platform, several controversies have risen. The integrity of Telegram has become a thing on the verge of investigation. Normally, development, innovations and advancement of science and technology deserve all the eulogy and acknowledgement they could get but some Ill-hearted humans try to take undue advantages to achieve the selfish interests. The open network (TON) which was primarily owned by the Telegram team has become a foundation to both the lovers of progress and haters because most of the telegram airdrops are usually claimed to be building on TON.

To cut it short, Telegram and TON need to man-up their security strategies to meet up with the global safety . Some of their communities have suffered severe losts in their usage of these platforms because of their vulnerabilities to scams and cyber attacks . There should be strict rules to guide people who claim to build an projects as well as general users. Inasmuch as TON has good intentions, they should as study the roadmaps and proposals of teams before giving them platforms .

A call to stop scams and illicit extortion of the people is never a threat to privacy . Beside, Majority of the people who prefer incognito are perpetrators of one crime or the other .

#STOPCRIMES #Protectusersrirght