This has been in the mouths of everyone who has come in contact with this telegram game. To me the project may not be completely a scam but there's high possibilities that the expectations of the players won't be met. Just like the recent telegram airdrops of these days, The promise their communities huge rewards but end u giving them peanuts that won't even cover for the resources wasted to engage with the game. The following reasons make me skeptical of empire meeting up the expectations of the players .

1. Huge earnings and easy to level up. it was one of the easiest to level up and increase PPH so fast and most projects like that flaw the hopes on them. Imagine having more than a trillion Profit per hour in few months

2. Reactivation of mining after closure: A project that took time to fix dates for snapshots and listing, all of a sudden reactivated ano farming stage Called CHILL? To me, this is a strategy to keep the players busy and extort from them through watching their videos and engagement on the social media platforms.

3. Extortion through Ton transactions, Star purchases and donations: First it was 0.5 ton transaction to be eligible. Now there's donations and purchases as well as other means to rip the players though they said not compulsory .

In conclusion, be careful while expecting to cash out because most of the airdrops in anticipation have different things on their minds. cryptocurrency generally is a risky investment but that doesn't mean you should see dangers and willingly fall into them as bird of prey.

Always study projects carefully before fully investing hugely in them and more over, do not invest more than you can afford to lose. Same way you want to cahout legitimately , some one else is ready to go otherwise. Don't be a victim. The safety of one is the safety of all.

Lest forget, once you want to get, you should be ready to sacrifice but not all. Any sacrifice more than what you stand to gain from it isn't worth a trial and vice-versa.

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