The powerful combination of Trump and Musk seems to have added fuel to the fire of this election. There are constant heated discussions on Twitter, as if the entire network is cheering for this combination. Musk has a huge fan base, and Trump's supporters are not to be outdone. The collision of these two people reminds people of Mars hitting the Earth. The result is predictable, and the topic is getting hotter and hotter.

But look at Harris. Today's tweets are like pieces of paper blown away by the wind, without any weight. Her words were drowned in the noise of the giants, as if her voice could not be heard on this stage. In contrast, every word of Trump can trigger heated discussions and even become a hot topic on the Internet. Is this the so-called "winner takes all"? In such an environment, how can Harris reverse the situation?

Let's look at the data again. According to recent polls, Trump's approval rating is as high as 47%, while Harris's is only 38%. This gap is not a small number, like two cars on a track, the former has already run out of sight, while the latter is still spinning in place. What exactly are the voters focusing on? Are they the candidates with distinctive personalities, or the ideas they represent? This makes people wonder, when choosing, do voters value the candidates' abilities or their "topic value"?

Let's talk about Musk, a big shot in the tech world. Almost every time he speaks out, he can trigger a wave of enthusiasm. His tweets not only attract attention, but also make countless people follow him. For example, he once mentioned on Twitter that he wanted to colonize Mars, which attracted thousands of supporters, and some even began to prepare for future trips to Mars. Can Harris compete with such influence? Is her tweet attractive enough to make people willing to stop and listen carefully?

In life, we often find that the fight for discourse power is not just a political game, but also a choice of information. Just like at the dinner table, everyone is vying for the last piece of cake. Whoever has the loudest voice will have his or her views more easily accepted. Why did the alliance between Trump and Musk trigger such a strong response? Because they know how to use their platforms to create topics and attract attention. Can Harris also find her own voice and put forward more attractive propositions?

If you think about it, the combination of Trump and Musk is not just a collaboration between two people, but also a deep insight into the psychology of current voters. They understand that voters need not only policies, but also emotional resonance and recognition. Every speech and every tweet is like a dialogue with voters, sending a signal of "I understand you". If Harris's tweets cannot resonate, how can she win support?

​In the face of such a situation, should Harris re-examine her strategy? It's time to put aside those clichés and replace them with more dynamic expressions. Can she find a point of entry that can resonate and not lose depth? If she continues to remain silent, she will only be marginalized in this election.

In summary, voters are not only concerned about the candidates' policies, but also about their performance and voice. The success of Trump and Musk is not only due to their popularity, but also because they know how to communicate with the public and how to create topics. If Harris continues to maintain the status quo, she may only be eclipsed in this election. Dear audience members, what do you think?