[666] The storm in American politics was stirred up when Vice President Harris made a ruthless statement, vowing that once she became president, she would "liquidate" the policies and personal behavior of the Trump era. This thunderous declaration instantly ignited the political gunpowder, as if a thrilling drama was being staged, and everyone was waiting with bated breath. Imagine Harris standing on the stage, pointing at the past policies, with a piercing look in her eyes, and vowing to overturn all injustices. People can't help but ask, is this an inevitable political struggle or a strategic adventure?

​Data tells us that during Trump's administration, the Supreme Court's decisions often caused controversy. For example, in 2017, the Supreme Court supported Trump's travel ban by a vote of 5 to 4. This disagreement not only triggered heated discussions in the courts, but also among the people. Supporters believe that this is to protect national security, while opponents believe that this is a serious discrimination and infringement. Harris's "liquidation" declaration is a response to this disagreement, trying to establish an image of "justice" in the minds of voters.

​Behind this political storm, all parties are secretly competing. Harris's supporters cheered, thinking that she had finally stood up for marginalized voices. However, opponents watched with caution, worried that this was a political reshuffle that could lead to greater turmoil. People began to wonder whether it was a call for justice or a game of power?

​Looking at the examples around us, small quarrels in the community are sometimes more intense than debates in Congress. Disputes between neighbors over parking spaces can even get out of hand. What's more, it is a policy at the national level? Every decision is like dancing on the edge of a knife. If you are not careful, it may cause greater conflicts. Will Harris's remarks exacerbate these conflicts, or will they unite people to face future challenges together?

​In this storm, the media plays an important role. They are like weather vanes, sometimes supporting Harris and sometimes questioning her ability. On social media, voices of support and opposition are intertwined, forming a complex picture of public opinion. People are unknowingly involved in this political game and become commentators, supporters or opponents.Are we all adding fuel to the storm?

​Harris' challenge is not only aimed at Trump, but also a questioning of the entire political system. Her "reckoning" not only means an examination of the past, but also a commitment to the future. People began to reflect on what we really need? Is it a punishment for the past or a hope for the future? In this dramatic political competition, everyone is looking for their own position.

​In summary, this storm is not only a contest between Harris and Trump, but also a profound reflection on the entire political ecology. Everyone is thinking about how to find their own voice in this game. Are we pursuing justice or chasing power? All these questions ultimately need to be answered by each of us.

​Dear audience members, what do you think?