Just yesterday, a shocking piece of news went viral on WeChat Moments: American consortium JPMorgan Chase reduced its holdings of 28.68 million H shares of Ping An of China, successfully cashing out HK$1.5 billion! This move undoubtedly dropped a bombshell on the global market.

Many investors are extremely angry, and they accuse these black-hearted foreign capitals of ruthlessly "cutting leeks" in the market. Many retail investors said that they have worked hard for many years and finally saw a ray of hope, but at this time, the "cash-out" action has severely hit their confidence. Some people even lamented: "Are ordinary people like us really just pawns?"

1. Looking at the operations of these foreign investors, it is really chilling! On the one hand, they keep talking about long-term investment, but on the other hand, they quietly reduce their holdings behind the scenes. Isn't this a typical "double-dealer"? The hard-earned money accumulated by retail investors is harvested by them in such a casual manner, which is really infuriating.

2. Foreign investors talk about market rules and value investment, but these words are just a fig leaf to cover up their greedy nature. They enter the market when the market is high and withdraw their capital when the market is low, without caring about the lives of retail investors. Isn’t such behavior a great irony to the fairness of the market?

3. Retail investors, wake up! Don’t have any illusions about these foreign investors. Their so-called “investment” is nothing more than taking advantage of information asymmetry to manipulate the market. We can no longer blindly follow the trend. We must learn to think independently and protect our wallets.

4. This time, the cashing out of foreign capital once again reminds us: the market is risky and investment should be cautious. Don't be carried away by the temporary increase, and see the real purpose of capital. Otherwise, the fate of "leeks" will only be waiting for us.

5. Facing the withdrawal of foreign capital, we cannot sit idly by. We must improve our investment literacy, learn to analyze market dynamics, and grasp the investment rhythm. Only in this way can we remain invincible in the fierce market competition.

6. The market is like a battlefield. Foreign investors’ cashing out is undoubtedly a declaration of war on us. We cannot just sit back and surrender. We must unite and face this challenge together. Only when retail investors become stronger can they avoid being manipulated by foreign investors.

7. It is time to reflect on our investment strategy. Blindly chasing ups and downs will only make us fall into the trap set by foreign capital. Steady and rational investment is the way for us to survive and develop in the market.

8. Facing market turmoil, we must not lose confidence. Although the cashing out of foreign capital is painful, it is also an opportunity for us to grow. As long as we learn lessons and keep improving, one day we will become a strong player in the market.

In the face of foreign capital cashing out, we cannot just blame others, but we must look for the reasons from ourselves. Only by improving investment literacy and looking at the market rationally can we avoid becoming "leeks". At the same time, regulators should also strengthen market supervision and maintain a fair and just investment environment. Only in this way can our market develop more healthily.