Midnight thoughts:

From the daily level, compared with the daytime, the current main K of Bitcoin has an upper shadow line, which indicates that the long volume has weakened and the pressure of MA5 is extremely strong. The opening amplitude of the lower track of BOLL is also larger than that of the daytime, and the decline of MA5 and MA10 daily moving averages has further strengthened.

In terms of the 12-hour line, the overall downward pressure of BOLL continues to increase, and MACD has also entered a small short-selling stage. At the same time, the trading volume shows that the K line at 8 o'clock in the evening is a large negative line, and the vacant part of the trading volume is large, which means that there is still a lot of room for decline. In addition, the CPI data released in the evening is higher than market expectations, which is actually a negative reminder. In summary, it is still enough to arrange for rebound shorting at midnight.

For the midnight big pie: around 61300-61600, looking at 60500-60200

For the midnight second pie: around 2420-2440, looking at 2390-2350#6万保卫战 #CPI&PPI来袭,美国通胀升还降?