The formation of a large-scale trend is affected by many factors. What we see is just the ice on the water surface, while there are more than ten times the unknown hidden under the water.

Any explanation is just trying to get close to the truth. The trend is not the power of a certain person, and it is difficult to be accurately predicted. Therefore, those who can really make a lot of money are often those who dare to buy at the bottom in the first two years.

Most people will chase the rise when it soars. They may not speculate in coins, stocks, or even just start to pay attention to the market. However, no matter what, you can't stop their pace.

When they have experienced the first wave of bull market, even if there is a subsequent plunge, when the second wave of the market comes, they will be more decisive, because they know that it is better to rush early than late.

After several rises and pullbacks, they have established conditioned reflexes. In this super crazy bull market, reason cannot convince those who have no chance. You can call them a mob.

The birth of each life, like hundreds of millions of sperm rushing to the egg to combine, the emergence of life is essentially the result of luck and gambling. This "gambling" psychology is deeply rooted in the genes, forming a herd effect.

Everyone will experience a "cutting leeks" process in their life and pay this tuition fee. It's nothing more than the difference in age and market environment. Without them, there will naturally be no "bull market".

What is a bull market? It is when there are many retail investors and sufficient funds (loose monetary policy).