Evening thoughts:

From the current overall market structure, it is not difficult to find that the current room for pulling up is relatively limited. Multiple attempts to pull up have not been effective, which seems to be accumulating strength for the subsequent short-selling. It can be clearly seen from the daily line structure that the price ratio shows a trend of oscillating downward. After a period of decline, although the market has given a certain rebound space, the rebound has not been sustained and continues to decline. The Bollinger Bands indicator opens downward, which indicates that there is still room for decline below. On the 1-hour chart, the trend appears to be weaker. Although there is a rebound repair after the big negative line, overall, there are more negative K lines on the market, and the short-selling atmosphere is extremely strong. Therefore, it is recommended to continue to layout with the idea of ​​rebounding and shorting in terms of operation.

For the evening big cake: around 62500-62800, looking at around 61800-61500

For the evening second cake: around 2440-2460, looking at around 2400-2380#非农人数大幅升温