China saw its first immigration boom in the 1970s, and has seen its third immigration boom since the reform and opening up.

What is different about this "immigration fever" from previous ones is the increase in skilled immigration and overseas investment immigration. The third immigration fever also has more and more "rich immigrants".

The so-called "rich immigration" means bringing Chinese companies and funds to invest abroad. For China, this means not only the loss of technology and talent, but also the loss of a large number of production lines and funds.

Apart from these immigration methods, it is very difficult for ordinary people to immigrate. Most people may not even have the opportunity to go abroad after working hard all their lives.

Without the corresponding skills and abilities, it is difficult to gain a foothold abroad and immigration becomes a pipe dream.

However, in this situation, some people choose to sneak across the border and wander in a foreign country without an identity like a lonely ghost.

Why would they rather sneak across the border and settle down in other countries?

Where did all the Chinese immigrants go?

Immigration faces many difficulties

According to incomplete statistics, the country with the largest number of Chinese immigrants is Thailand, with about 9.3 million Chinese. Thailand's immigration policy toward Chinese is relatively relaxed and friendly to China. There is also a Chinese community and the cultural environment is suitable for living.

In addition, according to other statistics, the country with the largest number of Chinese immigrants is still the United States, and more people choose to invest and study in the United States.

In fact, as early as the last century, when the first wave of immigration appeared in China, the United States was the first choice for Chinese immigrants.

After the Opium War in 1840, the Qing government was trapped in internal and external troubles and the domestic situation was in chaos.

At that time, China, which had no economic strength and military power, became a lamb to be slaughtered in the eyes of the great powers.

While many people were busy on the front lines of national salvation, there was also a group of Chinese who wanted to survive in troubled times and left their homeland to seek a new home that could shelter them from the wind and rain.

However, China, which had been closed to the outside world for a long time, had already lost touch with the world, and it was extremely difficult to immigrate.

One day, an American immigrant named Sutter discovered a gold mine in California. The news quickly spread around the world, and more and more people came to the United States to pan for gold, hoping to get rich, which triggered a "gold rush."

It was at this time that a large number of Chinese came to the United States because of opportunities in railway construction, and many joined the "gold rush" to get a piece of the pie.

"Why should the gold be given to the Chinese? Drive them out!"

However, with the influx of more and more Chinese, Americans became dissatisfied, and some even took to the streets to protest against Chinese immigration to the United States.

In 1882, the U.S. Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act that shocked the world. To this day, this act remains a stain on American human rights and rule of law.

Anti-Chinese elements claimed that the Chinese had many bad habits and could not adapt to life in the United States, which caused trouble to the American people and led to the unemployment of many people. Therefore, it was imperative to expel the Chinese.

The passage of the bill made many Chinese immigrants homeless again. In fact, they survived in the United States doing the dirtiest and most tiring jobs, earning the lowest wages, and often being discriminated against and insulted, with no social security or medical insurance at all.

It can be said that the first group of Chinese who went to the United States were simply fighting for survival.

The painful experience at that time made the Chinese realize that immigrating to the United States is not that easy.

In fact, nowadays, it is difficult to go to the United States without any real skills.

The first problem is money. Without capital, I can’t even afford a plane ticket to go abroad, let alone settle down.

Why do people jokingly call American students "Mei Ye"? Of course, it's because the US dollar is expensive!

1 US dollar is approximately equal to 7.2 RMB, which means that you may spend 20 RMB on a meal in China. After going to the United States, this amount of money will increase several times, not to mention that when you first arrive, you have to consider issues such as accommodation.

Unless your work contract provides accommodation, or you have enough capital to work in the United States, there will be no place to stay for two or three months.

In addition, public security in the United States is far less secure than in China. After nightfall, if you don't go to the hotel, you may be robbed. The presence of street thugs and homeless people makes one have to be on guard.

Don't forget that the United States is a country where guns are legal!

It is possible that you might suddenly hear gunshots while you are sleeping one day. Many Chinese living in the United States have shared this "horror story", which is really creepy.

Moreover, the United States once discriminated against Chinese people. Does that mean it doesn’t discriminate against Chinese people now?

Obviously, it is impossible. Although the world is now moving towards prosperity and development, and friendly exchanges between different ethnic groups have become the norm. However, arrogance is in their bones. The long-term economic strength and bad propaganda against China will definitely make some Americans look down on Chinese people. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to work in the United States.

Given so many difficulties, why do so many Chinese still insist on immigrating to the United States today?

Reasons for settling in the United States

First of all, it is undeniable that the United States is still the world's largest country, and it has incomparable advantages over other countries in terms of economic strength and technological strength.

Going abroad for "gilding" is the choice of many people. The pressure of entering higher education in China is high and the competition is fierce, while there are many famous foreign universities with strong comprehensive strength. Studying abroad is a good choice.

With sufficient funds, many families choose to send their children to the United States for further studies. On the one hand, this is because the United States leads the world in academic and scientific research. On the other hand, it is also because the United States has strong comprehensive national strength and a developed economy. Studying in the United States can broaden one's horizons.

Therefore, some companies want to invest in factories in the United States. Although the cost will be higher, the United States has advanced technology support, and can also enjoy various subsidies and save export troubles. As one of the world's largest consumer markets, building factories in the United States can expand the market, and advanced production technology and equipment can also reduce labor costs.

It is easier to explain for those who go to the United States to work. The most important reason is the high salary.

As early as 14 years ago, the minimum hourly wage in the United States reached US$7.25 per hour, which is equivalent to about 52 yuan in RMB. What's more, this was the minimum hourly wage 14 years ago.

However, “earn money in the U.S. and spend it in the U.S.”, so it is very difficult to live in the U.S. by doing odd jobs all the time.

Many capable and skilled Chinese choose to immigrate to the United States because the United States has a developed economy and numerous industries, and they can find more job opportunities and broad development prospects here.

In addition, as a developed country, the quality of life in the United States is much higher than that in other countries. People living here enjoy advanced technology, convenient transportation and sound infrastructure.

To sum up, it is understandable that some Chinese choose to settle in the United States.

The fast-growing Chinese economy

Although the United States' economic strength currently ranks first in the world, my country's development should not be underestimated.

Since the reform and opening up, my country has implemented a socialist market economic system, carried out foreign cooperation, promoted development among regions, and encouraged scientific and technological innovation. With many correct decisions, my country has shown great economic vitality, carried out diversified trade with many countries, and established good cooperative relations.

While China's economy is developing rapidly, it is also constantly optimizing its economic structure and improving the quality of economic development, showing strong resilience and vitality. Today, China has become the world's second largest economy, and its development momentum cannot be underestimated.

It is also because of this that the United States has always regarded us as a thorn in its side and has imposed sanctions on China in many areas such as technology and trade. Despite this, it is still difficult to resist our steady and positive development trend.

At the same time, every city in our country has a talent introduction plan, which provides a broader platform and safer guarantee for talent employment.

The rapidly developing economy means more job opportunities and employment prospects. Nowadays, more and more Chinese people choose to return to China from overseas for development.

In fact, if possible, no one wants to leave their hometown. When you are in a foreign country and are unfamiliar with the place, you need to rely on your strong willpower and ability to survive independently.

Moreover, there are huge cultural differences abroad, and cross-cultural communication is a big problem. Some people may have lived abroad for many years and still cannot adapt to the local culture. At this time, they will only miss their motherland even more.

In addition to cultural differences, there are also barriers to language communication. For some older learners, learning a foreign language is very difficult. If you want to master a foreign language proficiently, it is best to start learning before the age of 10. Once this learning period is exceeded, it will be basically difficult to speak a foreign language fluently.