The intraday market trend is also within our expectations. When the market touched 62200 in the morning, Qibo had already reminded everyone to enter the market and go long. If there is a retracement, go long. The intraday market also ushered in a small retracement, and it also ushered in a strong pull-up in the afternoon. The highest is also the primary high of 64400, which is also perfectly reaching our expected position.

From the current form, the big cake has given an adjustment action again after the high, but the retracement is not very strong. The pressure level is supported, and there is a rhythm of top and bottom conversion. The overall background has a warming taste. In terms of the international background, everyone is discussing whether the United States and China are competing for money. Should we choose cryptocurrency or A-shares? Once the funds flow back, the crypto market may usher in new opportunities, and the currency price will usher in a new round of highs. Midnight thinking, we still focus on retracement and long.

Operation suggestions

Buy Bitcoin at 63200-63400, target 65000

Buy Ethereum near 2430, target 2520

#HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 #非农人数大幅升温 #加密市场反弹 #大A香还是大饼香 #灰度拟推出AAVE信托基金