Dorian Nakamoto, who has been recognized as the spokesperson for Satoshi Nakamoto, the "father of Bitcoin", for 10 years, publicly clarified that he does not understand Bitcoin at all and has never participated in the development process of Bitcoin. He emphasized that when he was interviewed that year, he mentioned the vague response of "it has been transferred to others" and was talking about the defense project that was involved, not Bitcoin. If you also want to dig deep in the currency circle and want to maximize your investment income, but you can't recognize the market, then no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow me on the homepage, and I will share the spot password for free every day, the bull market layout strategy, and the 100-fold potential coin!

HBO will release a new documentary called "Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery" later this week, in which the producers claim to have cracked the secrets of Bitcoin's anonymous creator Satoshi Nakamoto. Although there are multiple candidates on the market, Dorian obviously doesn't want to be one of them.

This photo of a white-haired Asian-looking man is often cited when referring to "Satoshi Nakamoto" and is widely circulated on major social media platforms.

He is the protagonist of this article, Dorian Nakamoto.



In March 2014, the US media Newsweek publicly claimed that California resident Dorian Nakamoto was the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto, causing the news to spread quickly in the community.

According to reports at the time, Dorian and Satoshi Nakamoto had some similarities. First, both were considered to have liberal tendencies and had Japanese backgrounds, which made the media's speculation about Dorian more certain.

In addition, during the interview, when the reporter asked about Bitcoin, Dorian gave a vague response: "I am no longer involved in it and cannot discuss it. It has been transferred to other people. They are in charge now. I no longer have any contact."

This passage is considered to be ironclad evidence that he admitted that he was Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Bitcoin. From then on, this 64-year-old man with an Asian face represented Satoshi Nakamoto, the father of Bitcoin.

However, Dorian later denied the accusation and said that when he was interviewed, he mistakenly thought that the reporter was asking about his past defense projects, not Bitcoin. Therefore, he did not admit any connection with Bitcoin. Dorian repeatedly emphasized that he had never participated in the development of Bitcoin and did not understand this technology. Even Satoshi Nakamoto himself left a message in the forum that day saying: "I am not Dorian."


“My background is in engineering and I have some programming skills. My most recent job was as an electrical engineer troubleshooting air traffic control equipment for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). I ​​know nothing about cryptocurrencies or alternative currencies and have never worked with them.”

Newsweek also pointed out that the blank period in Dorian’s resume over the past decade coincides with the time period when the Bitcoin code was written and released, which the media considered as one of the evidences that he may have participated in the development of Bitcoin. Dorian gave a specific explanation for the blank period in his resume mentioned by Newsweek.

"For the past decade, I have been unable to find steady work as an engineer or programmer. I have worked as a laborer, investigator, and substitute teacher. I also stopped paying for my internet access in 2013 due to severe financial difficulties, and I was recovering from prostate surgery in October 2012 and a stroke in October 2013. My job prospects have been damaged as a result of Newsweek's coverage," he said.

To ensure privacy, Dorian even hired legal counsel and asked the outside world to stop disturbing him and his family in a statement. He finally pleaded: "I implore everyone to respect our privacy now and let us return to peace."


In 2014, Dorian's life changed dramatically because of this misunderstanding. Although he repeatedly clarified that he had nothing to do with Bitcoin, his erroneous connection with Satoshi Nakamoto has not been completely dispelled.

During the discussion, the crypto community also began to think about whether there is a physical correlation between Dorian and Satoshi Nakamoto, why he looks so much like Satoshi Nakamoto, and why he can become the visual representative of Satoshi Nakamoto?

There may be several reasons behind the market speculation. First, both of them have East Asian backgrounds, and the name Satoshi Nakamoto itself has a strong Japanese color, which easily reminds people of the consistency in appearance. This makes many people think that Dorian may be the mysterious founder of Bitcoin.

Secondly, Dorian’s age is roughly consistent with the outside world’s speculation about Satoshi Nakamoto’s possible age, which further strengthens the impression of their connection. Dorian’s simple and low-key image also coincides with the public’s imagination of the mysterious genius Satoshi Nakamoto.