So, there’s this crazy tale about Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin. No one’s ever seen this person, but rumor has it, he was just a regular guy from Brooklyn back in the day, hustling like everyone else—selling mixtapes and fake Jordans. He wasn’t some tech genius, just a dude complaining in the barbershop about how banks rip people off with fees.

One day, an old-timer in the shop said, “If I had money, I’d start my own bank.” Satoshi, just joking around, replied, “Watch, I’ll make money out of thin air!” Everyone laughed, thinking he was just talking crazy like usual.

But then, two weeks later, Satoshi comes back, real quiet, messing with his phone. Someone asked him what was up, and he just said, “I did it.”


“Did what?”

He showed them an app on his phone and said, “I made money. It’s called Bitcoin.”

They all laughed, thinking he was still joking, but Satoshi was serious. “It’s digital money. No banks, no middlemen. You’ll see.”

Years later, Bitcoin blew up, and now the same people who used to make fun of him are wondering if he’d remember them. Meanwhile, Satoshi disappeared—rumor has it he’s chilling in a mansion, eating oxtails and watching old ‘Martin’ episodes while everyone’s still trying to figure out where he is.

#BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #WeAreAllSatoshi $BTC