The rise of Telegram mini apps and TON airdrops is damaging the crypto market by attracting an influx of uninformed newcomers. These individuals, lacking a basic understanding of market fundamentals, flood chats with baseless hype like "$DOGS to the moon" or "$HMSTR to $45," which is both annoying and harmful to the space.

Here are the key ways this trend is negatively impacting the market:

1. Liquidity Drain: Meme coins are diverting liquidity from legitimate projects. Serious investors are deterred as they watch liquidity flow into short-lived, hype-driven tokens. Once the excitement fades, so does the liquidity, leaving the market struggling.

2. Price Manipulation: The panic-buying and panic-selling caused by these newcomers fuel wild volatility. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) drives prices up sharply, followed by a quick crash, hurting real projects as investors chase hype over genuine value.

3. Pump-and-Dump Schemes: These inexperienced traders fall prey to pump-and-dump tactics, buying into the hype without understanding the risks. They sell at a loss when prices plummet, creating market chaos.

4. Panic Spread: The sudden dump of worthless coins spreads fear throughout the market, causing investors to pull out of legitimate projects, driving down prices unnecessarily.

Crypto should not be treated as a "get-rich-quick" playground. It’s meant for innovation, long-term growth, and real value. Major exchanges need to step in, refusing to list these frivolous Telegram-based tokens to prevent further market dilution. If not, we’ll face more panic, volatility, and damage to the serious work happening in the crypto space.

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