From the daily level, BTC price has fallen below the strong support of 62530. It is currently blocked in the 4-hour chart and has not formed an obvious bullish signal. It is expected that the price will rise due to the impact of non-agricultural data at the weekend, and it will fall further next week. From a technical point of view, KDJ is about to cross to form a golden cross upward, and OBV is also stepping back on the yellow line upward. According to the previous weekend volatility and the general trend, it is more stable to focus on low and long.

From the 4-hour chart, ETH is still blocked at 2442 after rebounding on Friday, hovering around the moving average EMA20, and the attached indicators are all rare and stalemate, indicating that the market trend is unclear, the long and short forces are equal, and the market is oscillating. The strong support below is at 2390. Combined with Fibonacci, the upper pressure level of 2483 is found. Then, as long as the support below is encountered, go long.

Short-term direction and operation suggestions on Saturday night:

Big cake: 61500-61800 area is long, and the target is around 62600!

Auntie: There are many stocks in the 2360-2480 area, and the target is around 2475! $BTC $ETH $BIFI