Awakening of consciousness, enlightenment of the mind. There is no always right choice in life, always believe that the current choice is the right choice, the road you are walking now is the best, and if you keep walking, it will become a flourishing road.

If you made the wrong choice, you made the wrong choice. There is no need to regret it over and over again, and always think about what would have been different in the past. Don't blame yourself at that time. You were isolated and confused at that time. Even if you start over, you will still choose this path. Don't beautify the path you didn't choose.

There is no wasted journey and no wasted book in this life. The roads you have walked and the books you have read will one day become a light to illuminate your future path forward.

The most important thing in life is to have a full meal and be loved; the most desired thing in life is warmth and a good person; the most loved thing in life is protection and companionship. Throughout our lives, we are trying to make a living and to find love. Only by making a living can we take care of our bodies, and only by finding love can we enrich and enrich our minds and souls.

A person's life is made up of countless choices. No matter how you choose, there will be some regrets. It is not the choices that make you regret, but the comparison (climbing and greed) in your heart that makes your life regretful.

The reason why I feel unhappy is that I like to look back too much. Life is short. Don't criticize yourself from the perspective of a later generation. It's unfair. If you could do it again, with your experience and mindset, you would still make the same choice.

We make a living in the atmosphere of fireworks, seek love in the years, and seek our hearts in the fragrance of books. In this life, we make a living with the atmosphere of fireworks in our hands and seek love with the poetic beauty in our hearts. Love can calm the bitterness in the secular world, and true love can withstand the long years.

In this world of fireworks, everything is worthwhile, and everything has its regrets. Don't beautify the road you didn't choose or the road you didn't take. There are storms everywhere in life, and there are mountains everywhere.

The process of life is not a track, but a wilderness. There is more than one way to success, but a vast space full of infinite possibilities. No one's choice is correct, but we should strive to make our choice the most correct one.

Don't think too much, the answer will come as time goes by, and the flowers will bloom as life goes on. Choice is more important than hard work, but if you don't work hard, no matter how good the choice is, it will be meaningless.

No matter what choices we make in life, they are all for a better livelihood and love. If we have passion on the road to making a living, things will be different. Let our life not only be for making a living, but also for love.

Choose what you love in the first half of your life, and love what you choose in the rest of your life. Try to make your choices worthwhile in this world.

To achieve success requires continuous improvement and accumulation over the years and across time and space, and requires continuous accumulation and sedimentation.

At the same time, the last stage of persistence and execution is the most critical. Often at the end, it is not luck and intelligence that count, but faith and perseverance.

People who are good at dealing with others are always silent, not because they are arrogant, but because they are protecting their own aura. Assets and wealth are a war without gunpowder. The competition is not about who has more tricks, but whether the psychological quality is strong enough. If you are worried about gains and losses, you will be eliminated early. If you are afraid of losing, your wisdom will obey the panic of your inner mistakes, which will make you lose your army.

What leads you to success and wealth is never money, but the mindset, eyes, and courage to recognize opportunities and take risks. The most fundamental difference between people is not height, weight, or size, but the mind that contains business philosophy, investment and financial management personality, and capital thinking. Whether you have money or not is not the key, but whether you have the mental awareness (mind, mind, and consciousness activities) to plan to make money is the important thing.

A master of dealing with people is willing to admit his shortcomings, does not mind exposing his flaws, but is more adept at using his strengths. Over time, he will be more likely to succeed and more confident. When you are confident, have clear goals, and have rising energy, people around you will be shocked and attracted by your firmness and determination, and begin to admire and respect you.

Masters are selfless. They have no personal subjective feelings. They can calmly do things they don't like and try things they are not interested in. Once you have cultivated to this state of mind, you will not have any obstacles. Everything can be used by you and can become your stepping stone, allowing you to climb higher and see further.

People with good fortune usually have good tempers. When fortune is good, the five elements are often balanced, so that yin and yang are in harmony, the mentality is stable, and the temper will naturally be good. Complaining is a consumable of fate. Negativity, depression, and complaining are useless except for consuming your positive energy. Make yourself busy, so busy that you have no time to think about unimportant things, and many things will be quietly forgotten.

Inner needs and desires are the biggest driving force in life. Only those who are full of inner desire for assets and wealth, and who feel the joy of making money in the process of investment, can turn living expenses into the first capital. When you are willing to learn how to make money, learn to get help from others, learn to cooperate, learn to share, learn to win together, and learn to grow together, your life will be fulfilled and abundant.

(Wealth Thinking) provides corresponding psychological support and solutions to people’s financial anxiety.

For those who live in financial difficulties, the only way to change their destiny and truly embrace a wealthy life is to correct their past wrong financial management concepts.

1. Mentality and consciousness determine the amount of income.

The National Bureau of Economic Research of the United States conducted a survey: in the past 20 years, the bankruptcy rate of European and American lottery jackpot winners within 5 years has reached 75%.

If you don't try to change your investment and financial management concepts, even if you make a fortune unexpectedly, your wealth will often be lost quickly.

Change your investment and financial management ideas, hone your financial management skills, and make your actual abilities truly worthy of the wealth you have.

Only when a person has the awareness and cognition of money in his mindset can he truly make money.

When you don't want to make more money, money will not come to you naturally.

Only when you truly understand the ideological connotation and internal logic of investment and financial management related knowledge and can use it to improve your personal financial situation, can you truly learn investment and financial management.

If a person himself is unwilling to participate in investment and financial management, no matter how many financial management methods and ideas you tell him, it will be of no effect.

Changes in financial status are inseparable from financial management concepts and even more so from financial management practices.

Carrying out real investment and financial management practices and seeking wealth and honor through taking risks are the effective and feasible secrets to changing financial difficulties and achieving wealth dreams.

Everyone wants to be rich, but not many people are willing to take action.

If you really want to become rich, you must develop a corresponding investment and financial management plan and put it into practice. (Empty talk leads to failure, but hard work leads to success)

Don’t think that investment is only for rich people. The less money you have, the more you need to learn and understand investment.

Even if you don't have much money to invest, you should start learning relevant investment knowledge and skills immediately.

Financial freedom does not mean not working, but gradually not doing low-quality and low-value work. In this world, apart from idlers, how many truly rich people would not work?

Work is not the enemy of financial freedom, but a loyal partner of financial freedom.

If you want to achieve financial freedom, don't let the idea of ​​comfort in your mind, and don't regard study and work as a mental goal that needs to be gotten rid of. Financial freedom once and for all does not exist.

The pursuit of security is because of fear, fear and insecurity in the heart, and the pursuit of happiness is because one is not unhappy enough. An anxious person will not stop being anxious just because he has money; an insecure person will not feel full of security just because he has money. Money is not omnipotent.

When a cost that has been incurred cannot be recovered no matter how hard you try, you should give up decisively.

In the process of investment and financial management, doing your job well and making money is certainly important, but it is also very important to turn back in time to avoid greater losses.

You must have a skill that you can show off to ensure that you have a continuous and stable source of income. If our work is simple and does not have high technical content, then it will easily depreciate. We must find ways to improve the technical content of our work, continue to delve into a certain industry and field, and accumulate a lot of knowledge and experience.

The fastest and easiest way to create wealth is to learn and draw lessons from those who have already succeeded in doing things correctly.

In the process of asset and wealth appreciation, investment and financial management are necessary and effective means of response. In the early stages of our wealth growth, it is best not to regard it as the main means.

It is difficult to become rich if you rely solely on salary accumulation, unless you become a working emperor or a middle or senior manager.

A life of eating and waiting to die means staying in your comfort zone, not observing, learning, and thinking, being unwilling to get involved in unfamiliar industries and fields, and even more unwilling to pursue a better life.

You can develop new assets and wealth areas outside of your current job. This is the right choice when your current job lacks development prospects.

Telling yourself not to stay in your comfort zone does not mean that you must jump out of the industry you are familiar with, but that you should constantly make unfamiliar areas familiar. The more familiar you are, the fewer difficulties you will encounter in this world. (The negative pole gives birth to the positive pole, and the negative pole gives birth to the positive pole. Everything will turn around when it reaches its extreme.)

If you want to acquire assets and wealth, you can't just focus on yourself. You must not only have clear goals, but also big goals - adding new value to the lives of more people.

Whenever the stock market crashes, countless people will complain bitterly and be filled with fear. However, American stock god Warren Buffett can find valuable high-quality stocks from people's fears and find opportunities for asset and wealth growth in risks. (There are opportunities in danger, there is yang in yin, things will turn around when they reach their extremes, and there are good strategies to get chestnuts out of the fire)

People with a wealth-creating mindset will conduct extensive research and analysis before choosing to take risks. They will make every effort to obtain useful information, and then make decisions based on solid information and investigated facts.

Those invisible things are actually the real potential risks. Things that can be predicted and prevented are not risks. There are potential risks in any opportunity. How to reduce risks? It is to observe, learn, think, and understand in depth. The more you understand, the smaller the risk will be; the less you understand, the greater the risk will be.

When talking about investment, the famous American value investment guru Warren Buffett has always emphasized the need to keep the principal safe. To keep the principal safe, you must know how to use appropriate and effective response strategies to reduce the risks in the investment process. Using appropriate response strategies requires you to truly understand this investment behavior.

Having sufficient understanding and being able to adopt relevant effective response strategies to reduce risks and gain probabilistic advantages is investing.

Lucky people are those who pay attention to opportunities and find ways to seize them.

Value and pay attention to making money, saving, and investing, and especially to discovering and paying attention to opportunities, rather than always being afraid of risks and problems.

Whether it is financial management or starting a business, you need to really start, not plan. Opportunities belong to those who really take action.

Having an opportunity does not mean success. Seizing an opportunity only means that you may succeed, but it does not guarantee success. Therefore, you should remain calm about the results.

If you want to become rich, you must learn how to sell and develop a marketing mindset.

The past is not equal to the future. If the past is equal to the future, then our study, hard work and dedication will become meaningless.

Don't believe that you will become a bad person when you have money. There is nothing wrong with a person having a stable income, but don't keep doing it and don't think about changing. When you have a certain amount of capital and rich work experience, you should try to do some higher-income jobs or opportunities.

People who never think about making money may need to work hard for money all their lives.

Spend boldly where you must, and don't spend a penny where you don't have to.

If you are not very rich yet, then you should cherish every penny and live frugally. You need to invest more money and pay special attention to control consumption expenditure.

As for investment, if you haven't figured it out, I suggest you don't act rashly. Investment is not something you can do on a whim. You need to understand the biggest risk in the investment process before investing, rather than seeing how much return you can get first.

Learn the relevant knowledge and methods of investment, and be familiar with different investment methods and financial tools, such as real estate, insurance, stocks, funds, bonds, foreign exchange, loans, etc. We need to understand all kinds of investment methods in an all-round way, and then choose a major investment field, become an expert in this field, and achieve financial growth through investment in this field. Then on this basis, learn other investment industry fields and make diversified investments.

(II) Investment and financial management. Investment and financial management is about learning how to allocate assets. If you wait until you have money to participate in investment and financial management, it is very likely that you will never have money. If you have no money, you need to be more careful and adjust your financial management to increase your income sources.

It doesn’t matter if you have nothing now. You should increase your income and reduce your expenditure. What’s important is to start regulating and managing your money immediately.

Establish a scientific and reasonable investment portfolio, diversify and match multiple varieties, and avoid investing all your money in one place.

Income sources can be roughly divided into two parts: active income and passive income.

Active income is money earned from active work. Active income requires you to invest your own time and labor to earn money.

"Round like the vast universe, without deficiency or excess." We Chinese call the most thorough state of something "perfection," which means "not a mustard seed more, not a speck of dust less." This subtle state is actually the state of "Tao," which is not a state that can be achieved by human consciousness.

Any matter that is finally solved, done thoroughly, and completed perfectly is the state of "Tao". Therefore, many people do not have enough understanding at this level and think that the "enlightenment" of enlightenment is just the effort on the level of thinking and consciousness. As a result, they daydream all their lives without realizing that they are actually just trying to catch fish in a tree.

There is an interesting point when Zeng Guofan was learning to sit in meditation and nourish his spirit. No matter how busy he was every day, he would sit for three quarters of an hour, not a quarter more or less, every day until the end of his life. Therefore, Zeng Guofan's "three quarters of an hour every day" is a state of Taoism of "no deficiency and no excess".

American stock god Warren Buffett once said: There is one investment that is more valuable (cost-effective) than all other investments, and that is investing in yourself.

A wise person with awakened consciousness and enlightened mind will never complain about the ups and downs in life. Even if he encounters setbacks and feels depressed, he will quickly adjust his mentality, stabilize his emotions, make sufficient mental preparations, and wait for the next wave to come and enjoy a feast of fish.

Starting from now, make these three investments, and in the future you will be able to ride the waves, prosper, and stand at the forefront.

(1) Get a sound, peaceful and deep sleep to maintain your Qi, blood, energy, essence and spirit.

Sleep expert Matthew Walker once said: "The cure for all diseases is not Hermes, but high-quality deep sleep."

Staying up all night may feel good for a while, but staying up late for a long time means overdrawing your health in advance and shortening the length of your life with quality of life.

A study published in the journal Sleep Health in 2023:

Good, stable, deep sleep helps slow down the aging of the body. Compared with people who often sleep late and stay up late at night, people with a more regular schedule are 8 months younger in biological age.

Sleeping can not only restore physical strength and enhance immunity, but also rest the brain, filter out negative emotions, replenish lost energy, and perform "zeroing" and "restarting" operations.

Empty your mind, close your eyes, relax your limbs, calm your mind, breathe slowly, exhale the unrest, inhale peace, oxygenate and energy your brain, and maintain a vigorous body.

Only when you are healthy can you have a good mood and a good mental state to fulfill your dreams.

(2) Read high-quality books regularly to gain more knowledge, be erudite and broaden your horizons.

"Reading can make you lower your head while looking up." Reading can increase your knowledge and skills, and cultivate your sentiments, so that you can see the world and gain more knowledge to the greatest extent at the lowest cost.

The depth of your reading determines how high you can rise.

The more books you read, the easier it is to develop a sharp weapon to break through the confusion in life, create the ladder of life, climb step by step, and get rid of mediocrity and boredom.

Reading will take you across the boundaries of time and space to places you cannot reach by yourself, allowing you to appreciate the scenery there; books will present paths you can't imagine one by one to you for you to think about and choose.

People who often stroll between the lines will not think that the world is in front of them and trap themselves in a small world. Instead, they will accommodate differences, expand space, let the world bloom in front of their eyes and in their hearts, and reduce information gaps.

If you spend more than 30 minutes a day swimming in the ocean of books, over the years, little by little, it will add up to a lot. Even if you forget the details, the wisdom in them will be stored in your brain, waiting to be called upon.

(3) Be kind to your family and keep them warm.

When I was young, I read the sentence "The family sits leisurely, the lights are friendly" written by Wang Zengqi, and I thought it was just an ordinary life and did not have any deeper feelings.

As you grow older and experience the ups and downs of life, you will understand how rare and precious this "normal mind" is.

A family that actively expresses kindness and love can nourish everyone living in it. Children are filial and parents are sensible, forming a solid circle of protection to protect those who sail away from being washed away by the wind and waves.

Keep negative emotions out, bring good temper to your family, keep a good attitude at home, speak softly, understand each other, strengthen cohesion among family members, stabilize the rear, and support the charge at the front.

Although individuals are insignificant and life is short and limited, people can learn, cultivate themselves, and perfect themselves. The value of people lies in themselves.

Humans are extremely plastic. Only by injecting energy into themselves can they have a stabilizer and ballast in their hearts and ride the waves in the ocean of life.

If you pay a certain amount of attention to sleeping, reading, and being kind to your family, you can accumulate results over time, achieve twice the result with half the effort, and leverage development opportunities at the lowest cost.

I hope that you and I can continue to steadily increase the balance of assets and wealth (knowledge and skills) throughout our lives, allowing it to grow like a snowball.