For cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, and $BNB, based on the latest non-agricultural data "exploding" and the result of employment rising sharply, we can draw the following analysis:

First, the data released this morning showed that the non-agricultural data was lower than expected, but the employment rate doubled in these two months. This shows that people are actively looking for opportunities to make money, and interest rate cuts may bring more capital flows, requiring more people to participate in the transfer. As more and more people participate in work, they may pay less attention to other things, including investment activities such as stocks, coins, and gold.

Second, this employment growth is definitely beneficial to the secondary and tertiary industries, helping to expand production and improve service quality. Therefore, the circulation of the manufacturing industry may become larger, and steel and oil prices may also rise as a result.

However, for the crypto market, the market may appear weak due to the lack of more capital injection. In order to have capital inflow, there must be another favorable major event to affect the market. From the current point of view, the upcoming US election may be an important influencing factor.

Combining the above analysis, we can think that the market may enter a period of downturn. Although the market may fluctuate, overall, funds may accelerate to other industries. However, I do not think this is a pessimistic situation. Because everyone agrees that there will be a retaliatory growth in the subsequent market. Therefore, what we need to do is to keep enough funds and wait for the last chance to attack.