At 8:30 tonight, something big is going to happen! ! ! ! !

Do you know what's going to happen tonight? That's right, it's the unemployment rate and non-farm payrolls data for September in the United States that can stir up the storm in our investment community!

Let's talk about the unemployment rate first. If it's higher than the 4.2% guessed by everyone, it will be interesting, and the hope of interest rate cuts may be greater. But then again, once the unemployment rate is high, economic recession, tight money, and social unrest may follow. This is no joke.

Let's take a look at the non-farm payrolls. If it's less than the expected 140,000, oh, then the interest rate cut will be even more interesting! Once these two numbers come out, we have to have an idea of ​​how much the interest rate will be cut in November.

At 8:30 tonight, whether it will stand firm at the 60,000 mark or fall below it depends on whether these two data are powerful. This is simply a gamble, very exciting! Let's wait and see who will be the "lucky one" in the market tonight!

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