At present, the various data from Tuesday to now have not shown major concerns about the employment market, but because other data are too out of line with the big non-agricultural data, the market is still worried about tomorrow's employment data, especially the unemployment rate.

According to current market expectations, if tomorrow's data meets expectations, the employed population will fall slightly and the unemployment rate will remain unchanged, this may be a relatively good data at this stage.

If the unemployment rate rises to 4.3% again, it will increase the probability of another 50 basis point interest rate cut in November, but it will also cause market concerns. It depends on how the market interprets the data after it is released.

For the risk market, the only bullish opportunity this week is today.

#加密市场急跌 #灰度拟推出AAVE信托基金 #大A香还是大饼香 #9月小非农数据高于预期