A new Ethereum Improvement Proposal ( #EIP ), #EIP7540 , is being proposed to introduce asynchronous deposit and redemption flows as an extension to the existing ERC-4626 tokenized vault standard. #ERC -4626 sets the standards for yield-bearing vaults, which are #smartcontracts designed to execute strategies and reward token depositors. These vaults are built to be atomic, meaning that deposit and redemption happen simultaneously.

EIP-7540 is aimed at enabling asynchronous transactions, which could benefit various protocols, including those dealing with real-world assets (RWA), cross-chain lending, and liquid staking. Asynchronous transactions allow different actions to occur at different times based on specific conditions. For instance, when a lender deposits collateral, the borrower might receive their share only after meeting certain criteria.

Currently, each RWA protocol manages its unique off-chain processes, and EIP-7540 seeks to standardize how protocols handle both on and off-chain transactions. However, it's important to note that implementing asynchronous transactions might introduce more complexity and potential security risks compared to atomic flows.

Jeroen Offerijns, who is both the co-author of EIP-7540 and the CTO of Centrifuge, emphasizes the necessity for thorough testing and auditing when implementing asynchronous vaults. He also suggests that standardization can be beneficial by creating reusable property test suites. Offerijns acknowledges that asynchronous flows could put added pressure on protocols to ensure fair execution and mentions that Centrifuge has developed mechanisms to protect against frontrunning.

EIP-7540 is currently in its early stages and will undergo discussion on #Ethereum Magicians forums before progressing to review, a last call, and, ultimately, a final stage for acceptance once a consensus is reached.