Thursday, Bitcoin, Ethereum evening view analysis

From the overall market today, the daily level has been declining, the short trend is more obvious, and there are signs of a downward break. As the currency price rebounds from a high level and repeatedly falls under pressure, it can be seen that the upper resistance is strong and the shorts are gradually exerting downward force.

In the evening, focus on the upper pressure of 62,000 and the lower support of 60,000. If the support is not broken, the price ratio will still run around this range. You can sell high and buy low in operation!

The recent state is very good, the sense of the market is excellent, and the luck is not good. Look at the idea and rush together! #加密市场急跌 #大A香还是大饼香 #伊朗导弹袭击以色列 #灰度拟推出AAVE信托基金 #Bitwise申请XRPETF $BTC $ETH $BNB