You still have to choose the right coin in a bull market

You bought the right coin, and the coin increased 10 times, but you only bought 10,000, so you only made 100,000, but if you bought 500,000, you would make 5 million.

If you bought the right coin, it immediately plummeted 50% after you bought it, then went sideways for three months, and finally soared 100 times. It is likely that you have already cut your losses when it plummeted 50% and went sideways. You can't wait for the final fruit unless you understand the project, you have confidence that it will inevitably return to value, and you are a die-hard party.

So, to be free, there are three steps: choose the right coin, a large position, and hold it.

In short, if you want to make money, you have to choose well, invest more, and hold it firmly, so that you can laugh to the end and make a lot of money.

I have a position but don't know what coin to ambush. Leave a comment 1. I have selected a spot target that can double. Let's get rich together.

#加密市场急跌 #非农就业数据即将公布 #伊朗导弹袭击以色列 #大A香还是大饼香