《Questioning the so-called "bull market"》

In my opinion, this is definitely not a bull market. Looking at the world, bull markets have never been like this. No real bull market seems to be dying out, and it is called a bull market just by giving a few life-saving injections. Logically speaking, this is just an over-rescue of the market, and the basic things and fundamental problems have not been changed.

After the climax of this seemingly lively "feast", what awaits us will be atonement. The corpses of most newcomers will be used for several years or even ten years to pay for the consequences of this carnival. This situation seems familiar. Do you think the official dares to stand up and say that this is a bull market? They dare not.

So, just treat this as a spring dream. In this process, the real way is to run away at any time after making money.

Conclusion: BTC, fell 5,000 points in 3 days, and now the big needle is jumping up and down. It is obvious that the main force is washing the market just to attract more long troops and then cut them off. Now everyone thinks that 60,000 is the support point, but I think it is just a trick used by the market makers to smash the market.

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