In the bull market, in addition to new coins and hot coins, do old coins have a chance? Obviously no chance?

Big funds only make up 50% of the pie. 30% of the second pie, 10% of the funds are used to chase hot spots, and 10% of the funds are used to make new coins!

With small funds, don’t touch the big pie, don’t touch the second pie, full warehouse copycats, it’s better to focus on hot spots and new coins, but don’t touch the old coins!

Hot spots and new coins are all held to wait for an increase. Do not change coins frequently or do short-term operations. The contract must also be at a low multiple!

It is common for the bull market to see a 20% correction in the market and a 50% correction in the copycat market.

Big money only does bottom hunting, especially the kind that has a 20% correction in the bull market. It's almost like picking up money.

Small capital can only pursue hot spots, and it is a heavy position. 3 targets are enough! It’s too scattered, even if I give you ten times the communication number 1521221721, it’s meaningless!