The long orders have been damaged, and the rebound is weak. It seems that the US stock market will fall again when it opens tonight. Whether ETH's decline can rebound depends on the opening of the US stock market tonight. Brother Long's long orders have automatically stopped losses. Tonight, we can only wait and see whether the US stock market opens to see whether it follows the short trend!

From various news, the US economy is completely depressed this time. The only way out for the United States is the S3 season. With the opening of S3, gold has risen sharply, and the stock market has fallen sharply. It is just the beginning, so the short trend is determined tonight, and we can only look short in the later period!

Brother Long doesn't want the short trend to come. It is very unfriendly news to our currency circle, so wait for the opening of the US stock market tonight before placing an order!

Brother Long will continue to post articles to analyze tonight's market later. Follow Brother Long and share Brother Long's real-time strategy!

#加密市场急跌 #伊朗导弹袭击以色列 $ETH