Commonly used methods of unwinding

Many people are now trapped in contract orders. The idea of ​​unwinding is actually very simple. The key lies in looking at positions, trends and future market expectations.

1. If the currency in your hand keeps falling and there is no sign of reversal, the best way is to stop loss and leave the market. Don't get deeper and deeper into the trap.

2. If the market is fluctuating and the currency price is sometimes high and sometimes low, you can take advantage of the rebound opportunity to reduce your position at highs and then cover your position at lows to reduce costs.

3. When the trend is still going up, it is an opportunity when it falls. You can increase your position to spread the cost and wait for it to rebound before taking action.

4. If you are already deeply trapped and it may fall again in the future, you can go short in the contract market and make some money to hedge your losses.

The key is to have a clear mind, don't be led by emotions, set stop profit and stop loss, don't be greedy, and don't hesitate. This is the currency circle. Sometimes it is better to do nothing than to do it randomly.

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