$BTC #今日赚嘛

The strategy I made public yesterday has made a lot of money, up to 10 times!

If anyone is following, deduct 1

The escalation of the Middle East war has brought about a wave of declines, but Doug also interpreted it in his trading ideas yesterday.

The overall downward trend has been formed, and the final target is 55,000~58,000.

63,000 has been broken. My analysis in the past few days has always been pessimistic about the support of 60,000.

So I directly saw 58,000

It’s still the same. Spot is recommended to wait a little longer. The reason is very simple. Spot is waiting. Sometimes BTC falls 3%, and the cottage may fall 30%.

Then the idea is bearish, and there is still a lot of room for cottages.

Yesterday I gave sushi and hmstr. They are almost ten times profitable.

So when trading, it’s okay to guess wrong, but the overall direction and order logic must be there.

Pay attention to Doug's daily thoughts, I believe it can provide you with some reference! !

#大A香还是大饼香 #BTC☀ #鲍威尔谈话后市场调整降息预期 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥