One of the major problems in Nigeria that have affected both the government and the people of the country is unemployment because it has an unimaginable proportion in the state and despite this proportion rate, there are vacancies in government organizations/ministries and you need to know someone before you can unlock this opportunity even same does happen in private organizations.

Purple Minimalist Social Media Presentation.png

Annually, institutions of higher learning release graduates and they add to the existing stock of the unemployed. In this situation, our government appears to be helpless and overwhelmed by the menace, and during the preparation of the last presidential election, there comes a slang popularly used by the Nigerian youth "JAPA" which simply means relocate because of the state of the country's economy. The majority of the youths relocated and they are still relocating, but does this solve the state of the country in terms of unemployment? Absolutely Not!

Other Exposure In The Country

Undergraduates in the country are now acquiring entrepreneurial skills to become self-employed and self-reliant before their graduation day and the majority already have one or two jobs remotely paying their bills.
When you look at the definition of entrepreneurship, it's difficult to define because it has different meanings to many. Some look at it from the angle of innovation, again it looks like taking risks on something and it also means starting, owning, and managing a business. No matter the definition you give to it, it is your understanding that determines your stand in your action.

The Future of Work In Nigeria

Entrepreneurship is the future of work in Nigeria but what type of work can one venture into and build the future on?
Technology is increasing on a daily basis and some of the youths are not developing their self in this area. I see multiple Nigerians open a POS stand, a place to withdraw, deposit, and pay bills. Aside from the number of people already in this business, can this stand the test of time? Absolutely Not, that's why we see some adding convert your fiat currency to digital currency to their business because they already understand what the future holds in the decentralized market.

Let's Dive Into Some Sustainable Work

1. Social Mining: This is still new to many in Nigeria. The idea was first released by DAOLabs, though there are social media platforms that allow one to earn via their content creation, all these platforms do not give an open means of earning like DAOLabs. The idea around Social Mining is allowing users to get rewards for all their engagement on social media. With digital dollar rewards DAOLabs introduced in 2021 via DAOVERSE, participants on the platform earn points on their Twitter content promoting the brand and the points are converted to #Binance Dollar. You only need to promote anything you know about #SocialMining and add the appropriate hashtag then build engagement on your content.
Note: You keep getting rewards for your content as the impression of the content increases.
You can start Here or visit the official website of the project. Reach out to me, if you need help.

2. Ambassador Program:
In the blockchain/crypto industry, the ambassador program is one of the best jobs one can secure and earn rewards awesomely. Apart from earning, it allows one to have access to new features and products of a project, get rewards for online engagement like meetups and also reward for every successful connection that you facilitate with an influencer and many more. Nigerians are positioned for this type of job with different projects and it's paying them largely. You can leverage or follow me through my article, I will release from time to time some ambassador program.
The reward for every idea you suggest for a contest activity that gets selected.
Earn special rewards for completing your targets.

3. Content Creation
There are a lot of web3 platforms, that reward your content on their platform. We have the likes of,,, Binance Feed and many more.....
Creating content might be easy for those who already understand the rudiment around content creation, and why those who are still new might struggle to succeed in that area, however, there is a way around it.
Start your journey by creating a Tweet for a brand, Thread on leofinance, you increase the number of your words and start creating an article.

4. Crypto Bounty/Airdrop
There are a lot of bounty programs evolving in the world of crypto and Nigerians are positioned for it, though some don't know how to execute the bounty program. Dework is one of the platforms that requires contributors for different bounty programs and if you are a contributor, you can earn rewards daily, weekly, or monthly depending on the project you are working on. We also see some Nigerians devoted their time and resources to search for Airdrop on a daily basis. Not that Airdrop is not good, but 80-90% of Airdrop programs are scams especially if it doesn't require you to execute a task before you get it.

As we look at the future of work in #Nigeria , I will need to stress this, grabbing a skill (graphic design, content creation, marketing, program developer, data analysis etc..), will highly position you for opportunities. Nigerian youth are now entrepreneurs, freelancers, social media managers and more to sustain their living due to the state of the country's economy.