Many people ask whether it is worth investing in this round of bull market of dot? ? ?

Polkadot has indeed had its moments of glory.

It is possible that the price of doubling in this bull market is possible, but this is not certain.

Polkadot's opponent is Astro Boy. Astro Boy is so honest for some reason, and the chain that uses it does not need to consume Astro Boy. Because of this honesty, it has been criticized by the community and has not risen. Because it is very simple, there is no benefit in buying it, and there is no room for speculation.

The ecology of Polkadot is still very good, and it is better than Astro Boy.

The main reason is that the founder is awesome, after all, he was the former CTO of Ethereum. From a technical point of view, there is no problem with it.

But its prospect is cross-chain technology. Will so many people really dare to cross-chain? Anyway, I don't dare to cross.

I am afraid of losing coins after being attacked. Does this cross-chain technology really have a large-scale prospect? It is not known at present.

Of course, if the virtual world of web3 is really opened, then the application of this cross-chain will be great.

But at present, this valuation is a reasonable valuation, neither high nor low.

I hope you can get out of the trap in the next bull market. But what's the point of getting out of the trap without making money. Sweat

If you don't know anything, don't look at projects randomly, just want to buy in a bear market and sell in a bull market.

Then learn this trick. Open the software, adjust it to weekly, then zoom out, and buy when it is in a straight line.

Sell at the peak of the valley.

Don't rush in when buying coins when it is a mountain peak, but rush in when it is a straight line.

If you can understand this point of mine, you have defeated countless leeks.