A significant amount of Bitcoin is safeguarded in a secret nuclear bunker in the Swiss Alps. The facility utilizes multiparty computation (MPC) shards to provide cutting-edge security for Bitcoin storage. Xapo Bank, a pioneer in the industry, offers underground bunker services for Bitcoin storage. The facility features stringent security measures, including biometric scanners, hermetic vault doors, and geographically dispersed MPC shards. The bunker, originally a joint venture with the Swiss Air Force, now houses various assets and infrastructure, maintaining nuclear-resistant features. Xapo Bank transitioned to MPC technology for Bitcoin signing, enhancing security and eliminating the risk of exposing private keys. The MPC process is likened to chefs cooking together, ensuring secure transaction authorization without any single entity holding complete control. The facility's high-security standards and advanced technology make it a preferred choice for clients seeking secure Bitcoin storage. Read more AI-generated news on: https://app.chaingpt.org/news