Certain actions such as speculation and the search for exaggerated profits end up delaying the use of cryptocurrencies as part of our daily lives. A good example of this is Venezuela, since... who is going to choose to buy USDT when the salary of an average worker is paid in bolivars or the equivalent in dollars but according to the BCV rate? Which implies that when I need to change my bs for USDT, the loss is greater than the gain in said commercialization.

This is because the BCV dollar is at approximately 36 bs, while the parallel dollar, with which many usually trade in exchanges, can be found at up to 45 bs.

What ends up being more viable? Buy #USDT or save the bs to later spend it on some need or pleasure that we want to give ourselves?

And for the record, I am not making a criticism, after all, this is simply a consequence of a free market, which is thanks to the autonomy and freedom that the crypto ecosystem grants, I am only expressing a financial reality that exists.