I underestimated the power of the bulls ⚠️❗️❗️

The recent trend of Bitcoin is a bit strong. Last month, the bottom of the shock was getting lower and lower. Now it is completely the opposite. The lower the shock, the higher the low. This also indirectly shows that the bulls are really powerful recently and don't want to give the air force a breath.

As for the current market of Bitcoin, it is a standard upward shock trend, but in the Bitcoin shock range, a lot of funds have gone to the cottage. Recently, many cottages have performed well, which is a rare situation today. In the past, cottages followed the decline but not the rise. After this interest rate cut, they are considered to be tough.

This wave of Bitcoin is similar to the last time it rose to $65,000. The indicators have been diverging, but it is really annoying that it cannot fall. This indirectly shows that Bitcoin does not want to fall yet. There is still one last wave of upward attack before it starts to pull back. Although it has been looking at pullbacks recently, it cannot be stopped when the market comes. The momentum of this last wave of highs cannot be small. The high point may also be beyond your expectations. It may reach $68,000 or even $70,000, and then start to pull back. So at present, it is recommended to take fewer short orders and wait and see.

Ethereum has also been trying hard recently and wants to break through upwards, but the trend is obviously not as simple and beautiful as Bitcoin. However, according to the trend of Bitcoin, Ethereum at $2,900 can still be seen.

If you want to short now, wait for the opportunity first, wait for Bitcoin to break through the rising trend line, and the target is around $62,000. You can take less profit, but you can't be trapped.

#本周美国将公布PCE、GDP数据 #比特币盈利供应能否推动价格上涨? #加密市场反弹 #ETH #热门话题 $BTC $ETH