Hello guys, this time is already Q4/2023. In a little while, it will be Christmas and New Year 2024. The vast majority of Crypto investors who have remained at this point in the market deserve to be xx accounts in the future for their efforts and efforts. The effort is non-stop at the present time, believe me, you're here, there's no reason to give up.

🔍 For newbies, receiving a huge amount of knowledge in a short period of time is almost "utopian". I myself have been participating in the Crypto market for quite a long time, but every day when I wake up and surf #X, I see so many new things and countless new knowledge that need to be learned and #researched.

And no matter how you study, pay attention to the 5 things I said below:


To be able to absorb any knowledge, you need to have the ability to self-study, read and understand at a sufficient level. You may not understand this issue yourself and need support from others, but the problem is that you directly research and approach it so that when others explain it, you can easily absorb and remember it.

For newbies, let's approach from the basics and overview, as in the previous article I mentioned that you need to know things like:

- What is #BTC? What are Altcoins?

- What is ecosystem? What role does it play in running the Crypto market?


Okay, then proceed to go deeper into smaller niches to explore and research. Each person has their own and different approach, but basically, break the problem you are learning into small parts, read a little each day...etc. Break it down like using a Minimap or tree canopy branching chart to learn.

Before approaching new hot trends (even for me and many old friends) like #AI, #LSDfi, #NFT, ... let's start learning about old trends like #Defi, #GameFi, M2E , Metaverse..etc first, and see how it operates and how it blooms and withers. If necessary, take notes in a personal notebook (if you want) or take notes on your phone (I usually use the computer if I have free time). This job may seem mechanical and dry, but it helps your brain remember longer and longer. Okay, if you've learned quite a bit on your own, let's move on to another type of geometry below.


My elders had a saying: "Learning from your teacher is not enough to learn from your friends" - With the implication that learning from friends and people around you is really useful and much better if you only learn from one source. are teachers.

I have told you many times, this time there are many quality articles from many#KOLsas well as people with many years of experience in the market. Basically, they are completely free, your job is to synthesize, filter and absorb that knowledge.

In the beginning, just follow all the KOLs you know, join groups that you think are Okay, read shares of people you think have more knowledge than you. Okay, don't be shy, this is completely normal and natural, then see what they talk about, whether that source of knowledge is suitable for you or not and then filter it. I want you all to try to freely experience and unleash your strength, but now that I provide everyone with a list of KOLs, many times you still don't fully grasp it because you don't have enough experience.

After gaining a fair amount of knowledge, go to chat groups of Tele,#Xor Facebook groups to discuss and discuss with people about certain projects, certain technologies or certain trends. This discussion unintentionally helps you and other brothers share many of the same questions. Helps you remember and understand more deeply about the issue at hand, don't be afraid to discuss and exchange. This is welcomed in all Crypto Groups no matter how basic the question is.

(Additional bonus is to avoid long-short margin/future call groups. That's not for newbies)


- After you feel like you have read and learned enough, spend a very small amount of capital to experience and practice the things you have just learned. To understand the feeling of buying/selling as well as evaluate your ability.

- Practicing (with a very small amount of capital) has two purposes: One is to help you be confident with your decisions and two is to help you follow the market more closely. Spend some time every day for Crypto, it can be anywhere, any time depending on your actual conditions!


Many brothers complain and blame these#KOLsfor shilling this and that, inciting to buy that at the price abc, xyz, shilling this project and that project so that when they buy, they swing to the top and divide xxx. Then sit and curse, complain about your fate, blame this person or that person.... STOPP.......PLEASE!!!

=> Learn to admit your own mistakes and take responsibility for your investment decisions. If you just listen to this person calling the odds, calling to buy this number, shilling that project without taking the initiative to research, read, and research about it, then if you win the bet, it will only be due to the person's luck. other. And if one day, that person doesn't share the bet anymore, you will still be at zero. And unfortunately, that bet doesn't go as expected, you blame that person?

=> I agree with you guys, I see more and more KOLs springing up and many of them are fake and unethical. But there are also many other KOLs with heart and vision. And no matter who you receive information from, please do a little research yourself to understand more thoroughly and feel more secure!


Please share what you know with the community to help people around us improve. It can be as simple as supporting strangers on a telegram chat group or posting short sharing posts (like what I often do). This not only helps newbies, but also helps you remember longer, research more thoroughly and basically helps you become much more resilient in this crazy market.

Don't be afraid to share and help someone who has silly questions that are redundant. They don't know why they're asking because my motto is simply: "Giving is forever" and "No one is smart." more than all of us”