Our grandparents have a saying: "Learning must go hand in hand with practice" meaning, if there is theory, there must be practice in parallel to be able to apply it well 😅

🔍Are there any#newbieshere who know the term "#Farming" but have never tried adding liquidity once on#Dexexchanges???

Although you read a lot of articles from many different sites, many people share their valuable Farm experience. But if you don't try it once and start practicing, you will never be able to do it well.

🔍The closest example for newbies is the issue of depositing and withdrawing money or buying and selling #P2P on binance or buying and selling $ using OTC form on telegram. Although the operation seems simple and easy, in fact, if you are a beginner, you have only heard the instructions and have never done it. That will always lie somewhere in your head, and then when needed, you will spend countless hours and efforts to complete such seemingly simple tasks.

🔍Or the problem of transferring money (#USDT) back and forth between exchanges or from the exchange to your personal wallet, if you don't actually do it, don't do it yourself, don't do it yourself, but ask a friend to help you. or any relative, you will forever stop at zero, it is very difficult to break through.

🔍I will take another common example, which is buying and selling on DEX exchanges, the most popular of which are Uniswap, pancakeswap...

If you are not proficient in this operation, first read the tutorial articles online, then spend a small amount of your own money to practice and get familiar with the interface. Then later, when researching or knowing about a potential project, you know where to buy, which exchange to buy on, and how to use a personal wallet like#Metamaskto buy that token. There will be no more scenes, you have to go around asking groups how to buy this, how to recharge. It's very time consuming and comes with the risk of scams.

🔍And if you know how to use Metamask wallet, you will gradually realize that other types of personal wallets also have similar usage patterns. If you already know how to buy and sell tokens on Pancakeswap, then there is no reason for you to have difficulty buying and selling tokens on other Dex exchanges like #Near's Ref or #Sol's Raydium, or even #Ethereum's Uniswap. The important thing is that you have done it yourself and your brain has recorded it, then similar systems and similar platforms will no longer make it difficult for you to experience. 🥲

🔍Okay, so what are the TIPS here for Newbies??? 😅😅😅

Take advantage of this precious#downtrendtime, spend a small amount of time, along with a small amount of money (if needed) to research, practice and practice. Make sure that you have almost completely grasped the basic operations and memorized them in your head as well as experienced them yourself. This is extremely important during the uptrend season, where you don't have much time to think and ask about such things in detail anymore.

And after you have mastered the basics, continue to learn through project analysis,#researchinformation, making it yourself, evaluating, observing and experiencing. If you don't get used to it once, do it the second time, the third time,... combined with drawing experience from many other sources from the first time.

For example: You try trend-following tips, find a list following a certain trend with a prediction of price increase, but do not put it on the watchlist to monitor fluctuations. Or if you don't buy or sell anything with these comments, it's very difficult to experience success.

🔍Or you read on #X, tele, Facebook comments about this project or that project, but you never, or have never personally commented or evaluated whether a project is good or not, then you can experience it. Your own will also be quite small. And if you have little experience, it will lead to lack of confidence and worry about your investment decisions. Leading to not eating well, not sleeping well and worrying all day about losing money, repeating the same questions all day like: "Can this one come in? Can that one come in?"...etc. Instead, equip yourself with good basic knowledge and when you meet a master or a good KOL to share the direction, you will understand immediately and be able to make money.