Many friends like to ask about long and short positions, or how to play, what kind of ideas to play, and don’t like to read research reports, and then continue to ask, how to look at it.

If you ask me these, I still have the views of daily research reports.

Long and short positions? Every day at different positions, I will talk about where it is long and where it is short.

As for the most defensive, what do you think about today’s market?

Uh... My point of view is how I look at it. There are research reports every day. If you can’t read them, you can just read the title. The title is also one of my views.

Just like yesterday:

Play long and short within the given range. This is not an arbitrary direction. You can make a profit by going long or short.

How to look at it?

The title said that the trend has not changed, small-level trial and error, and large-cycle waiting for trading

Right, what else can I say about this?

I don’t understand it. Do we have to understand the charts and texts and learn something?