[Market Research Report on September 24th - Trend has not changed, small-level trial and error, waiting for the position of the big cycle]


1. $BTC

Mindset: Skills of preferring habits

The big cake is still the one mentioned in the video, symmetrically looking for support and pressure

The view is to do it around the channel, upper edge, lower edge, intervention, small-level daily channel can be

Channel breakthrough or breakout is nothing more than a second entry after a breakout and a second entry after a breakout and a pullback. That's the only difference


1. 6.25 is the position for our rebound. Two positions are given and 615 has not been reached, so this is still an effective support position. If this wave of rising structure is not broken, it will not end

2. When the structural symmetrical pressure of 6.5 is broken, there will still be a target of 6.7 and 6.85

3. Current short-term view 6.25 draws a horizontal line and 6.35-6.46 draws a flag structure on the upper edge. Short-term is done in this range

4. Lower edge support 6--5.95 5.7 5.55

5. Cycle spot Daily channel 5 nearby positions can continue to be traded

This wave of callbacks, altcoins, bitcoin, ether, bnb, etc., including pyth that my friend asked about yesterday, we plan to enter the market at 0.2. Those with heavy altcoin positions and heavy overall positions should start to reduce their positions in the next two days

Second, $ETH

For those with heavy spot positions, follow what I said in the morning and reduce some of your positions. Don’t let your positions be too heavy

2188 more pressure to reduce positions

Enter the pressure zone

Previous highs 2680 2725 2790 are all positions

Support 2550 2420 2240