Some people have made 800,000 yuan from 10,000 yuan, but then went back to zero overnight, or even lost 600,000 yuan. I knew about the cryptocurrency circle as early as the end of 2018, but I didn't really get involved until a customer showed up. With liquid funds but facing short-term debts, and smelling the bull market, I stepped into this tempting field at the end of November and the beginning of December. At the beginning of the period, I only invested 10,000 yuan, thinking that I would lose it, but I made money unexpectedly. In November, I made a profit of about 100,000 yuan. After withdrawing half of it, I went short for two days and started a new speculative journey. In the wave of the bull market, you can make money no matter how you do it, and the profit once reached 400,000 yuan. After a brief consideration, I invested 100,000 yuan to buy altcoins, but encountered a callback, and lost 70,000 yuan from a profit of 400,000 yuan. After fearing that the position would be blown up and selling the altcoins, the callback ended and the market went crazy again. FTM pulled 10 times in two days. If it hadn't been sold at the beginning, 100,000 yuan would have become 1 million yuan. This retracement and missed opportunity made people both see the madness of the bull market in the cryptocurrency circle and regret it. It was early February, and there was a slight break during the Chinese New Year. After opening an order on the third day of the Lunar New Year, he continued to increase his position, and his profit once reached 800,000. However, greed played a role, and he cancelled the automatic stop profit and increased his position, and then ushered in an epic callback, which undoubtedly caused his position to explode. He kept recharging unwillingly, and finally swiped his credit card and ran out of online loan platforms. In just 3 months, he went from a profit of 800,000 to a loss of 600,000. This is the "480,000 Brother" of the contract, an unforgettable name. He bought 100 bitcoins with his 480,000 savings for buying a house, and started a live broadcast on Baidu Bitcoin Post Bar on January 28, 2014. However, fate played tricks on him. The negative policies and the sharp drop in the price of the currency that followed quickly reduced his assets to only 90,000. The sarcasm in the forum and the lack of understanding from his family made things worse for him. “Arguing with my mother-in-law and my wife threatening to divorce me” became the heavy theme of his live broadcast. In early 2016, when Bitcoin rebounded to 3,000 yuan, “Brother 480,000” had no choice but to sell his coins to buy a house. He left the market with a loss of 180,000 yuan, but he also missed the crazy rise a year later.

"Baozou Beiwei" learned about Bitcoin in 2012 and bought Bitcoin when the price dropped from 8,000 to more than 4,000. He bought at a similar time to "480,000 Brother", but took a completely different path. He gave his salary to his wife, used his pocket money to buy Bitcoin, and even considered quitting smoking to buy more Bitcoin. By relying on the "pocket money buying method", he hoarded and held more than 300 Bitcoins at the end of 2015.

Another friend invested in Bitcoin in 2016, when BTC was about 5,000 yuan. At first, he traded short-term, like most newcomers, watching the market at two or three in the morning, but later he felt that it was not worth the loss and gave up decisively. At the end of 2016, he paid attention to Ethereum and invested 100,000 spare money. A few months later, 100,000 became more than 1.5 million, as if it was a dream. In the first half of 2017, he experienced a bull market, and then ushered in a bigger bull market in the second half of the year. He learned to allocate investments and made a profit of nearly 10 million at the peak. Although he suffered losses in the big bear market in 2018, as an ordinary retail investor, he has outperformed most people. The secret is a good mentality, and a good mentality comes from the fact that even if all the money is lost, it will not affect his life.

However, in the ever-changing world of the cryptocurrency world, Marvin (address 7055), a meme coin associated with Musk’s pet dog, has a strong community consensus and is expected to return 500 times.