The Fed’s interest rate cut, which was both real and fake, has passed. As I expected, Powell presented his pledge to the new puppet of the Democratic Party - a one-time interest rate cut of 50BP, and the entire financial market has risen as expected. All assets in the world seem to have come alive in the past few days, including Bitcoin, which has successfully recovered from the correction and broke through price ranges in the shock. However, all this seems to have come a little too fast, as if the world was still struggling in the quagmire of economic recession yesterday, and today it suddenly set sail to cross the vast ocean. We can't help but ask: Will all this last? Where is Bitcoin's tomorrow?

Powell and the deep government are probably the only ones who know the true economic figures of the United States. However, no matter how they cover it up, the overall economic slowdown and high inflation are unquestionable facts. Just flip through the posts of rednecks on Twitter and you will know. The United States has not had a good time in recent years, so the world has not had a good time either. This is the strongest voice that the US government has sent to the world since Trump took office last time. Even Biden’s coming to power has not actually changed this trend, the so-called America First. Because this is a very realistic choice. The national debt of 35 trillion US dollars is unheard of in human history. Relying on the US dollar, US debt, and the US military, the empire has established an economic model that can develop almost infinitely. However, relying on 10% of the elites to govern the country, it completely ignores the interests of 90% of the rednecks, allowing populism to rise rapidly. Trump + the epidemic almost pushed the US dollar to the edge of scrapping - from 152.72 billion in 2017 to 218 billion when leaving office in 2021, an increase of almost 50%.

M2 growth rate during Trump's term

The smoking printing press and the flood of money quickly pushed up prices. You should know that when Trump dropped money from helicopters, almost every American was given money directly, and a large part of this money also entered the crypto market, which led to the last wave of surges. The inflation rate peaked at 9.1% in June 2022, far exceeding the Fed's long-term target of 2%. This is also an important reason for Trump's failure to be re-elected. Of course, in my opinion, this is a real case of a political novice being played by deep states. I especially remember the scene of Trump constantly firing employees in the White House. To put it bluntly, the bumpkin came to the city and was stabbed by others before he learned how to play.

So after the Democrats came to power, the so-called cleaning up the mess is actually nothing more than clearing out the pots and pans left by Trump, the elephant in the china shop - repairing allies, uniting with Europe to fight against China, etc. In terms of economy, they naturally have to be in the same boat with the Federal Reserve, with Yellen as Treasury Secretary and the former younger brother accepting the Federal Reserve. For the Democratic Party's financial backers, the biggest threat is nothing more than the country across the sea that is still growing rapidly economically. Trump raised the problem, and Biden showed how professional politicians solve the problem. After a set of seven-injury punches, he is actually more powerful than Trump's big mouth. In this set of combined punches, the US dollar must be the top priority, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

First, raising interest rates will start the dollar tide and explode countries without financial firewalls and with excessive economic bubbles. This is all part of the story. We have played this several times before, and the routine is familiar to the whole world. Secondly, we will bring down the high inflation to prevent the rednecks from really taking to the streets and paying for the large-scale quantitative easing caused by the epidemic. Finally, and most importantly, we will maintain the precarious credibility of the dollar, especially when the BRICS are doing their own SWIF. This is intolerable and must be dealt with. Moving the dollar is like asking for America's life! Of course, raising interest rates can also prepare for future economic downturns. When interest rates are raised to a point where it is not working, there is still policy space for lowering them. In addition, it is also to cooperate with the Russian-Ukrainian war to prevent inflation from being pushed up by the sharp rise in energy prices caused by the war.

In short, the interest rate hike is a very important financial decision of the Biden administration, which can make the leeks explode outside and win the hearts of the people inside - although it is regulated and released by the so-called independent Federal Reserve. However, we must know that the interest rate hike is also a double-edged sword. The interest rate of 5.5 is a great pressure on a country with 35 trillion, not to mention a country with no debt. The high interest rate directly pushes up the pressure on the repayment of US debt. You must know that US debt is a typical Ponzi scheme. In fact, all the countries that buy it know that no one will expect it to pay off all the debts, but the interest must be repaid in full and on time. If you say that you are not even able to pay the interest on foreign debts, who will believe in that green paper? Therefore, the credit of the US dollar and US debt must not be broken. Whoever breaks it, the US military will destroy his family first. As for another negative effect, although the interest rate hike helps to control inflation, it may also bring negative effects such as slowing economic growth and rising unemployment. This is why Powell has always emphasized that we should decide how to play based on the data.

After four years of Biden's "hard work", the empire has a new look. The border is surging with people, so many that only 5,000 people can be allowed in a day. Externally, Europe is being dragged into a desperate situation by the small bird against the big goose, and can only follow the American big brother to the end, while the military-industrial complex behind the Democratic Party is making a fortune. The financial interest rate has been raised crazily. It is not known whether inflation has been curbed, but the economy has indeed been curbed. The targets that were intended to be blown up are now unwilling to fall and are eagerly waiting for the Americans to replace them. In fact, according to reason, considering various factors, now is not the best time to cut interest rates, but Master Bao resolutely opened fire. Why?

Is the world turning left or right? That is the question

It's very simple, because the election is coming, and this time Trump is even more evil. He directly killed all the establishment factions of the Republican Party and replaced them with a full MAGA team. The president said that he would kill Powell as soon as he came to power. He came with the flame of revenge. After four years of struggle, the political novice has mastered the essence of power politics. He will probably carry out a purge when he comes to power. The establishment factions must give it a go. This is the real meaning of this rate hike. All the data and speeches are smoke screens to cover up!

The Democratic Party basically controls the traditional media and traditional finance in the United States, so I said before that it is conceivable that just like Hillary Clinton, before the results come out in November, Kamala Harris will definitely be far ahead in the polls. If even the media's cheering can't hold up, then Master Bao will definitely lend a helping hand - just like the results we saw today, the unexpected interest rate cut triggered a stock market surge. You must know that most of Americans' wealth is in U.S. stocks. During his term as vice president, a stock surge is actually equivalent to buying votes in disguise. This trick may be very useful for voters in swing states. This is why I said some time ago that the white left is too shameless, and Trump is still one step behind.

Moreover, the current election situation has entered a white-hot state of anxiety. In the last ABC TV debate, many media outlets were exaggerating that Trump was not as combative as Kamala Harris. However, I hold the opposite view. Trump fought three candidates at once and maintained his demeanor, creating a rational impression for the middle voters. Kamala Harris came on stage like a crazy woman and kept accusing the other party. It looked aggressive, but in fact, it might be worse for the silent majority. The Democratic Party has been firing on all cylinders recently. Musk, who has just come out to fully support Trump, received a subpoena from the SEC and lost the case immediately after he repeatedly supported Trump on X. This is already a naked confrontation.

We have strayed off topic, let's get back to finance. In fact, after talking so much about the election, what we should essentially care about is finance and the US dollar, because it is most closely related to our collective asset - Bitcoin. Different political parties come to power, representing different interests, and naturally have different policies towards the crypto market. For example, this time crypto voters may become the key factor in determining victory or defeat. Trump has already called himself the crypto president, and Kamala Harris has recently personally expressed her support for crypto assets. Relatively speaking, Trump is more friendly to crypto, but this is not the main reason why I support him. The core reason is that he is not in the US dollar interest circle. As a political novice, Trump is different from previous candidates. He himself is not deeply bound to the US dollar interest circle, so he does not care about the credibility and depreciation of the US dollar, and can let go of quantitative easing. Moreover, as a populist leader, the short-term economic effect on voters must be the most important. Whatever is done fastest must be the most obvious effect of printing money. Therefore, Trump will definitely carry out quantitative easing when he comes to power, and quantitative easing and the surge in Bitcoin are like two sides of the same coin.

As for Kamala Harris, she is like King Zhuang of Chu, who did not fly or call for three years, and then suddenly became a sensation. However, this is also the result of the deep government of the Democratic Party - strictly speaking, it is the result of the operation of Obama. As an establishment figure, if she comes to power, there will be no surprises. She will definitely continue the policies of the establishment, provoke wars abroad to make arms money, form alliances, engage in currency wars for the US dollar, increase taxes domestically, relax immigration to enrich the vote bank, etc. What I have been emphasizing is that this interest rate cut is a politically charged interest rate cut. When Powell used this trick, there is no turning back. He must at least continue to convey the expectation of interest rate cuts to the market before the November election, thereby raising asset prices and embellishing beautiful economic data for Kamala Harris. This kind of political speculation has no continuity - you can see from his press conference that he is ambiguous. He can cut interest rates, withdraw from the class because the data is not good, and then raise interest rates again - this leaves room for future changes. Imagine if Kamala Harris is successfully elected in November, and inflation has already risen under the expectation of interest rate cuts, what will she do, and what will Powell do? I think that back and forth jumping is a very likely option, which is why I remind community members that when playing spot, you should buy on dips and don’t play with contracts. You can understand the K-line, but you may not understand politics.

Having said so much, will Bitcoin have a good future? The most important thing for the leeks is the price. These political intrigues are nothing compared to the money in their pockets. This is also the result of long-term environmental influence. So let me first say the conclusion: Bitcoin's future will exceed your expectations, and the price will also exceed your imagination.

From the above analysis, we can see that the twilight of the empire is so bleak. Despite the support of AI and Musk's magic, it is undeniable that the United States is now shrinking compared to its heyday. Trump actually represents the thoughts of at least half of Americans: What world police have nothing to do with me, I just want to fill my tank! 35 trillion debts are impossible to repay, and once you get addicted to printing money, it is difficult to quit. The US debt will only get bigger and bigger, so big that one day you can't even pay the interest, and the corresponding is the slow decline of the US dollar in the international proportion. Which country dared to bypass the US dollar transaction before, but now it is no longer news. In this slow decline, or strictly speaking, it will gradually retreat from the world's first-class country to an ordinary country-just like its former mother country Britain. This will be a long process. During this period, in the financial world, areas where the US dollar cannot reach, or areas where the US dollar disappears, may gradually be replaced by Bitcoin. Broad consensus, deflationary model, natural trading network-this is just like what is happening now in the big goose. National-level Bitcoin transactions have become the main work of the financial sector. A crazier idea: if all nation-states on Earth disappeared tomorrow, who would become the world’s consensus currency?

Which is more valuable, greenbacks or BTC?

As one goes up, the other goes down. The US dollar slowly returns to green paper in the smoking money printing machine, while Bitcoin is undergoing deflation in the financial recession. Its value is just quietly shifting with people's consensus. When writing this, I can't help but think of the words of the boss of MicroStrategy: "Bitcoin is a contagious virus. It is digital energy. Once infected, you will want to tell everyone. Then you will realize that there are only 21 million bitcoins and there are 8 billion people on the earth. So you will want to buy some more. Then it will occupy all your thoughts."

Ten years ago, who would have thought that Bitcoin and the crypto market would be like today? Five years ago, who would have thought that the US presidential candidates would compete to please the crypto market for votes? The world is in a state of chaos, and those who follow it will prosper while those who go against it will perish. I hope this article will give you a little thought. The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, and the second best time is now. The best time to stock up on a Bitcoin was ten years ago and also now. Friends, close the contract, quit Mahjong, open your private money box, open Binance, and do your best to buy a Bitcoin and store it in a cold wallet! A few years later, you will thank today's decision!

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