Breaking news: USDT's total market value exceeded 119 billion US dollars, reaching 119.13 billion US dollars, a record high.

What does the increasing market value of USDT mean? It means that more and more funds are entering the market! I checked the square this morning and found that many pink bloggers have no common sense in their heads. They have been brainwashed by the big A and the contract. They said that the price of USDT has plummeted and the bear market is coming. They are just talking nonsense!

The market value of USDT has reached a record high, indicating that more and more funds, especially institutions, are entering the market. I have said in N previous posts that through various channels, real-world institutions will enter the crypto world faster and faster, and Bitcoin will become an indispensable part of financial configuration. Just look at MicroStrategy, which has set a sample for all companies.

As for the sharp drop in the U price, it is very simple. The US dollar exchange rate has already fallen, so naturally USDT will fall. Stable currency means that it is very stable when pegged to the US dollar. This is very simple. The interest rate has been cut, the US dollar has depreciated, and the relative depreciation is normal. In conjunction with the previous message, it is clearly pointed out that the US dollar is accelerating its outflow to various reservoirs. Whether it is bargain hunting assets or bargain hunting Bitcoin, the more it falls, the more the crypto market rises!

And the maggots are fantasizing about the appreciation of the RMB. My country is amazing. They are either stupid or bad. Do you know what a financial firewall is? Do you know what offshore and onshore are? Given the current economic situation of a certain country, there will be no capital stupid enough to rush in and be cut. As for the offshore RMB, the rise and fall has nothing to do with ordinary people, unless you are doing foreign trade, and the appreciation of the local currency in foreign trade is disastrous, which means that you are becoming less and less competitive. The strategy of rotting meat in the pot will only lead to stagflation in the pot and appreciation outside the pot. It can be said to be the worst and most dangerous situation, and they are still fantasizing about it one by one!

To ​​celebrate the fans breaking through 3K, 30 red envelopes were wrapped. Welcome to come and play!

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