The current strategies of major CEXs are clearly focused on attracting new users through social platforms and MeMe culture. This seems to be to seize market share and expand the user base, but in fact it may be a strategic mistake with long-term risks. Although these methods can bring short-term user growth, especially through the viral spread of social platforms and MeMe culture, quickly attracting a large number of new users, this growth is often shallow and lacks long-term stickiness. With the development of cryptocurrency to this day, almost no one does not know about cryptocurrency, and Bitcoin has long become a well-known crypto asset. Today, the focus is completely on attracting people, which has destroyed the "original ecological system of cryptocurrency". Not to mention the withdrawal of small retail investors, even I and some people around me who originally had some expectations for the circle. It is difficult to say that cryptocurrency will become a meaningful thing. Focusing entirely on "recruiting people" without maintaining the original ecological system in the circle will cause far more harm to the circle than to the construction of the ecological environment. Take PePe and ORDI's entry into the circle last year as an example. Both PePe and Inscription brought huge traffic to the circle, but we overlooked one point. The traffic brought by PePe and Inscription last year allowed people in the circle to convey some of the original value systems and concepts of cryptocurrency to new users. Now the elderly around me are doubting whether it is meaningful to participate in this business. There are also some elderly people around me who have retired from the circle, not because of money, but because they feel that the circle has completely deviated from the construction of the original ecological value system.

1. Short-sighted strategy of recruiting people

This strategy, which is centered on "recruiting people", is more like a crypto version of traditional marketing methods. It relies too much on the influx of new users, but ignores the intrinsic value construction of the industry. This approach not only has limited impact on user stickiness and loyalty, but may also destroy the existing crypto ecosystem. Because the core concept of the crypto industry has always been decentralization, autonomous participation, and consensus-driven, if users are attracted by methods similar to pyramid schemes or excessive socialization, it is bound to run counter to these concepts and even dilute the overall cultural connotation of the industry.

2. Limited traffic on social media

The social sector represented by TON has not yet shown the potential to bring in sustained huge traffic. Although social platforms can indeed introduce a certain user group to the crypto industry, this is not the core growth momentum of the crypto industry. The development of the crypto industry depends more on technological progress, the expansion of application scenarios, and the improvement of the ecosystem, rather than simple social communication and viral marketing. Projects such as TON attempt to promote traffic growth by combining social functions with crypto assets. This approach is certainly innovative, but from the current point of view, its true user stickiness and long-term effects have not yet been verified.

3. Long-term hidden dangers of ecological damage

When CEX puts too much energy on attracting new users and short-term traffic, it neglects the construction and maintenance of the original ecosystem in the circle. The success of the crypto industry does not rely on a temporary burst of traffic, but is based on long-term ecological construction, value consensus and community drive. Users who enter by "recruiting people" often have a shallow understanding of the industry, and they are more likely to be attracted by short-term profit drives. Although this user group can bring short-term market heat, it poses a risk to the long-term healthy development of the industry. Because once short-term interests cannot be maintained, these users will quickly lose, which will cause value turbulence and trust crisis in the industry.

4. Natural growth is the key to healthy development

As I mentioned, if the cryptocurrency ecosystem is sound enough and the technology is advanced enough, the market's attractiveness will naturally lead to continued growth in users. Through real technological innovation, reliable project governance, and transparent application scenarios, users will spontaneously join and stay. In the long run, the sustainable development of the industry depends on the promotion of core technologies and the implementation of applications, rather than users attracted by short-term marketing methods. Only when the ecosystem within the crypto circle is strong enough, with stable community support and real application value, will external users be naturally attracted.

5. Long-term narratives worth watching

Compared with social platforms and MeMe attracting new users, the innovative applications of RWA (on-chaining of real-world assets) and DeFi deserve more long-term attention. These areas not only have huge potential market demand, but also can promote the application and penetration of crypto assets in the real economy. Traditional financial institutions are gradually paying attention to and participating in the layout of RWA, and DeFi is also gradually adapting to the regulatory and legal framework, showing a longer-term growth space.

Although major CEXs are currently trying to drive short-term traffic growth through social networking and MeMe, this approach ignores the long-term construction and value recognition of the crypto industry. Real industry growth depends on the gradual formation of technological innovation, ecological construction and user consensus. If the industry itself is healthy and attractive enough, more users will naturally join and promote the continued development of the market.

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