[A new era in the cryptocurrency circle: Preventive interest rate cuts in 2024 will start a new journey in the bull market! ]

Friends in the cryptocurrency circle, the wheel of history has accelerated again, and we are standing at a brand new starting point! Looking back on the past, whether it was the bursting of the Internet bubble in 2001, the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis in 2007, or the raging of the global epidemic in 2019, the Fed's relief and interest rate cuts temporarily stabilized the overall situation, but also indirectly caused the cryptocurrency market to experience twists and turns. In more distant memories, several preventive interest rate cuts in the 1980s and early 1990s accurately predicted and helped the US stock market soar, demonstrating its extraordinary market foresight and regulation art.

At this moment, the time has come to 2024, and the much-anticipated preventive interest rate cuts have officially begun! The nature of this interest rate cut is very different from the previous relief measures. It is no longer an emergency measure under the crisis, but a forward-looking market layout, aimed at stabilizing market confidence in advance and laying a solid foundation for the long-term development of the economy. This change has undoubtedly brought unprecedented vitality and hope to the cryptocurrency circle, and the horn of the bull market seems to be faintly audible.

The preventive interest rate cut in 2024 may become the key fire to ignite the bull market in the cryptocurrency circle, leading us through the unknown and towards a more glorious shore.

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